‘神話經紀公司’誕生。南韓最長壽組合Shinhwa以組合名稱建立了經紀公司。這是首個管理韓國偶像組合團體活動的經紀公司,因此得到了眾多關注。神話經濟公司以Eric和李玟雨領導,其他成員:申彗星、金烔完、JunJin和Andy將以控股人身份加入。4月30日,Eric、李玟雨,與持有‘Shinhwa’商標的Open World娛樂公司間進行了長達6小時的會談。

他們最終達成共識,建立Shinhwa經紀公司,Eric目前管理的Top Class娛樂公司將負責管理神話在韓國的活動,Open World娛樂公司將管理神話的海外活動及宣傳。據說,在會後,Eric和李玟雨給其他成員發送了慶祝的短消息,內容是Shinhwa公司已誕生。


來自神話組合身邊親近的人表示,“Shinhwa公司建立是Open World的積極配合,成員們直接管理公司,Shinhwa將能夠長久進行組合活動了。所以他們現在幾乎更長的活動計畫,來回饋歌迷們。”這也表示,神話計畫在明年3月發行的新專輯將可行。最近,李玟雨、JunJin和Andy仍在服役。JunJin和Andy將在今年退伍,而李玟雨將在明年3月退伍。

為了發行新專輯,Eric、金烔完和正在準備個人新專輯的申彗星正在討論專輯的風格,其他成員將在退伍後加入新專輯的錄製工作。神話在1998年初到,在過去的13年中從未解散。他們的熱門歌曲由‘Brand New’、‘Eusha Eusha’、‘終結者’和‘T.O.P.’。

Source: Star News via Naver

by VITALSIGNon May 5, 2011

Shinhwa’s Eric has been revealed to be working on establishing his own entertainment label named Shinhwa Company. Although details haven’t been confirmed yet, fans are taking it as a sign of Shinhwa gearing up for their comeback.

Representatives of Eric spoke through Star News and explained, “Eric is thinking of setting up a subsidiary company exclusively for the Shinhwa members with himself and Lee Min Woo as co-CEOs. But because they’re all in different agencies, the plan still requires a lot of discussions.”

They continued, “Should Shinhwa Company become established, it will aid in the members pursuing a more active and diverse range of activities, as well as assure longevity. Shinhwa’s comeback is currently scheduled for the first half of next year.”

Currently, Lee Min Woo, Jun Jin, and Andy are serving in the military. Lee Min Woo will be the last to be discharged out of the three, and rumor has it that they’ll begin their comeback activities as early as March of 2012.


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