Source: Hankooki via Nate
by Supermaron April 18, 2011

《Marie Claire》是最早刊登少女時代9人9色封面的雜誌。成員每人都被單獨制成封面也是第一次。以表示純潔的『PURE』為主題進行的拍攝中,少女時代身穿 以蕾絲作裝飾的禮服,演繹女人味十足的浪漫情懷。這之前曾以青澀妹妹形象吸引無數哥哥喜愛的少女時代,透過這次造型照,散發女人魅惑的香氣。

造型照和封面照的負責人金友利表示:『平時總是嘗試女孩風和華麗風,這次採用了最能突顯少女時代的純潔,為拍攝主題。』少女時代9人9色封面照和造型照將在《Marie Claire》的第五期上與大家見面。

The nine members of SNSD exhibited nine different charms for the May edition of ‘Marie Claire.
In this special edition, each SNSD member will have their own cover.

A representative expressed, “Every fan will be able to buy a magazine with their favorite SNSD member on the cover. We expect these magazines to be hot items.

“Pure” was the concept for this photoshoot, and so the girls donned ruffles and lace dresses to not only portray feminine images, but give off a romantic mood. Fans were gasped particularly over Seohyun’s cover because she displayed the image of a more mature woman. 

Project stylist Kim Woo Ri commented, “Normally, there are a lot of girlish and fancy styles, but SNSD was able to exhibit the innocent concept the best.

This issue of Marie Claire will be available on April 20th!


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