Label Epic
Release Date Apr 19, 2011

◎繼「醜女貝蒂」經典唱作〈The Show〉後打造首支夢幻新曲〈Heart Skips A Beat〉

清新甜美的嗓音,卻以童趣真實的歌詞,道盡愛情世界的多種樣貌,在Lenka宛如彩色筆般的豐富嗓音中,詮釋出無限想像空間的音樂世界,無壓輕柔的讓我們再度乘著Lenka的夢想,翱翔在她綺麗的幻想之中吧。來自澳洲的音樂精靈,以獨具個人風格的真誠創作,及甜美清純的嗓音風格,迅速在國際歌壇樹立屬於Lenka的夢幻曲風。就連「醜女貝蒂Ugly Betty」、「亂愛高校生90210」、「實習醫生Grey's Anatomy」等超高收率的電視影集也紛紛使用Lanka的歌曲,突顯劇中夢幻的愛情滋味。

  全名Lenka Kripac的Lenka,從小受到父親刻意培養音樂才華。移居雪梨後,更全方位的開始學習舞蹈、表演等訓練,不僅是影后妮可基曼「澳洲青年劇團」的同門學妹,還曾接受凱特布蘭琪的戲劇課程指導。就在一連串的演藝磨練後,Lenka毅然飛往美國洛杉磯尋找更多靈感和機會,同時製作歌曲,並順利在Epic Records旗下發行榮登告示牌熱門潛力榜Top3的首張同名專輯《Lenka》,動員包含席琳狄翁、魔力紅、酷玩樂團等幕後金手聯合掌舵。

  腦中充滿各樣天馬行空想法的Lenka,睽違2年再展她童心未泯、如夢似幻的爛漫情懷,以《Two》,實現更多對於音樂的幻想與企圖!開場的〈Two〉,有她脫胎換骨的表現,甜美嗓音依舊,卻帶著更具韌性與個性的曲調,拼貼電子合成、流行民謠、古典弦樂等元素,令人再三玩味屬於她的成長韻味;鮮亮的首支單曲〈Heart Skips A Beat〉,則帶著琅琅上口的旋律,討喜編曲更是耐人尋味;延續〈The Show〉輕巧迷人的暖身宣傳曲〈Roll With The Punches〉,飄散出繽紛純真的夢幻情景;琴聲迴盪的〈Blinded By Love〉、Acoustic吉他帶入的〈Here To Stay〉、豎琴曼妙伴奏的〈You Will Be Mine〉,彷彿又陷入Lenka寂寥傷感的多愁善感中;曲曲都是自然純真的真摯小品;搖擺舞動的〈Shock Me Into Love〉,可愛活潑的旋律讓人心情愉悅快意!這次Lenka再展自信,並帶來更加細膩、柔美聽覺質感的綺想世界,就等你加入屬於她的夢幻國度!

02.Heart Skips A Beat 臉紅心跳
03.Roll With The Punches 我只是個小女孩
04.Sad Song 心碎小品
05.Everything At Once 世界無限大
06.Blinded By Love 愛昏了頭
07.Here To Stay 留戀
08.You Will Be Mine 你是我的
09.Shock Me Into Love 狂愛
10.Everything's Okay 一切都好
11.End Of The World 世界末日

Written in the wake of her engagement to visual artist James Gulliver Hancock, Lenka's second album is filled with love songs, all of them delivered in the same peppy, slightly off-kilter pop style that made her 2008 debut so enjoyable.

Lenka - Sophomore effort from Aussie songsmith is a brightly spangled electro-pop affair, redeemed from sugary excess by solid, radio-friendly melodies and production from David Kosten (Bat for Lashes), Guy Sigsworth (Bjork, Frou Frou) and Eg White (Adele, Duffy) // Release: 2 (April 19, Epic) // Quote: "Björk was the first artist that made me realize it wasn't illegal to have a computer beat in a song and that it can still be beautiful and emotional." // Sounds like: a completely carefree and irony-free frolic that hovers near the guilty pleasure intersection of glossy and bubbly...80's styled synth-beds and sing-a-long choruses all about love (or is that luv) // What we like: the sheer, unfettered sunniness and updated girl-group strut of "Heat Skips A Beat"...the big chorus and music hall theatrics of "Roll With the Punches"...

01 Two 03:17
02 Heart Skips A Beat 03:22

03 Roll With The Punches 03:20

04 Sad Song 03:26
05 Everything At Once 02:39
06 Blinded By Love 03:51
07 Here To Stay 04:02
08 You Will Be Mine 03:24
09 Shock Me Into Love 03:28
10 Everything's Ok 03:52
11 The End Of The World 04:15


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