Source: TV Daily via Nate
by ramham424 on February 16, 2011

關於“2011 Dream Concert”將在北京舉行的報導有誤

中國的某新聞曾報導“2011 Dream Concert”將在北京奧運會規模的體育場舉行。海外粉絲和其他K-pop網站為這看上去巨星雲集的年度演唱會而議論紛紛,但是事實證明,這些細節都是假的。據稱,“2011 Dream Concert”將於8月8日在北京上演。誇張的陣容聲稱有Super Junior, 少女時代, 2PM, JYJ, Big Bang, After School, B2ST, 4minute, 李孝利。更多的藝人被包括在內,K-pop粉絲為這強大的演出陣容瘋狂。
然而,南韓娛樂協會(每年活動的組織者)已證明演唱會不會在北京舉辦。他們申明“2011 Dream Concert”將於五月的時候在南韓舉辦。官方演出陣容尚未公佈。

The Chinese press previously reported that the “2011 Dream Concert” would be held at an Olympic-size stadium in Beijing. Fan boards and other K-pop sites buzzed about the seemingly-stellar lineup for this year’s concert, but as it turns out, these details were false.

據稱Allegedly, the “2011 Dream Concert” was to play in Beijing on August 8th. The lineup boasted participation from artists like Super Junior, SNSD, 2PM, JYJ, Big Bang, After School, B2ST, 4minute, and Lee Hyori. Many more were included in the list, and K-pop fans were wildly enthusiastic about the wide lineup.

However, it’s been confirmed by the Korean Entertainment Association (the annual organizers of the event) that the concert will not be held in Beijing. They have stated that the ”2011 Dream Concert” will be held in Korea sometime in May.

The official lineup has yet to be released.

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