10K posts

Source: Daily Sports via Nate
by ramham424 on February 8, 2011




泫雅害Krystal內衣外露 粉絲不爽砲轟

南韓網友最近為了SBS《偶像的帝王》春節特別節目掀起了一場口水戰,因為一場遊戲廝殺中,游泳池的浮板上男男女女擠成一團,結果眼尖觀眾發現,4minute成員泫雅竟把f(x)成員Krystal的上衣掀起,害Krystal「內衣外露」,網友認為,這對偶像的傷害極大。 在電視截圖畫面中,浮板上只有Krystal坐著,一群人試著把她拉起來,但泫雅一把抓著她的衣服,Krystal粉紅點點的內衣邊外露,肋骨線條、肚臍清晰可見,穿著小短褲的Krystal還露出修長美腿,畫面雖然沒有露點,但已經相當暴露。


A picture involving 4minute’s Hyuna and f(x)’s Krystal has been firing up the internet.

Involving a recent set of photos uploaded on an internet discussion board, netizens have been battling each other by arguing in favor of either idol, as the photos in question show Hyuna pulling forcefully on Krystal’s shirt.

The photos were taken during the filming of Lunar New Year’s special, “King of Idols“, and the two girls are wrestling each other for a game that was played in a swimming pool.

Netizens are questioning the reason behind Hyuna’s action of trying to pull off Krystal’s shirt. In the pictures, you can see that Krystal’s shirt has been taken off halfway, unintentionally revealing her bikini. They commented, “Hyuna doesn’t seem to have sound judgment. Why is she doing something like this? I don’t understand”, “She’s not just clutching on her shirt. She looks like she wants to take it off”, and “Isn’t it hard to judge Hyuna’s action based on pictures that were taken momentarily?”

金泫雅HyunA's graduation photo revealed

Source + Photo: Newsen via Nate
by ramham424 on February 13, 2011

4minute’s HyunA previously made headlines when she tweeted about her upcoming high school graduation, which she unfortunately couldn’t attend due to an overlap with her professional schedule. Since fans were a little bummed about not being able to see the star at her ceremony, they were treated to a look at HyunA’s graduation photo.

Immediately, netizens gushed over her milky white skin and charming pose: “It looks so good. I like seeing her looking young and conservative in her school attire”, “If my graduation picture looked this good, I would dance”, “This looks ten thousand times prettier than mine” and “Gosh, she looks so pure.

HyunA’s graduation took place on February 9th, which the idol unfortunately missed due to 4minute’s promotions in Thailand. The idol will soon enter Konkuk University as part of the 2011 class.

新學期3月開始 4minute泫雅等成大學新生

演員高雅星,李世英,前Wonder Girls成員宣美,4minute成員泫雅等92年出生的明星們將於3月成為大學新生。高雅星進入成均館大學社會科學部就讀;李世英挑選了誠信女子大學 的媒體影像演技學部,希望在演技上多下功夫;而宣美將就讀於東國大學;4minute的泫雅則將進入建國大學藝術學部。

進入建國大學的泫雅將和BEAST成員孫東雲,飾演《秘密花園》中sun的李鐘碩以及徐雨共度大學時光。入學較晚的孫東雲在twitter上留言 稱:「終於在落榜多次後成為一名大學生,感謝為我加油打氣的眾人,我會騎著車努力上學」。而另一位大齡大學新生李鐘碩為了能夠更深入了解關於演技的各種知 識而選擇進入建國大學電影藝術學部;徐雨則從水原科學大學退學重新考入建國大學。

Kara的具荷拉去年2月就已高中畢業,前段時間一直專注於演藝事業,於今年考取誠信女子大學;而成均館大學藝術學部的新生具惠善2003年考入首 爾藝術大學不久後就退學,今年成為11屆新生。今年的大齡大學生比往年都多,年齡最長者該是DJ DOC的金昌烈。他為了年輕時未完成的學業,不顧年齡以及忙碌的行程最終透過了大學能力考試和檢驗考試,成為慶熙網絡大學文化藝術經營學部的一名新生。

4minute’s HyunA and After School’s Lizzy to graduate from high school

Source: Star News via Nate, Lizzy’s Twitter
by chloejn on February 8, 2011

4minute’s Hyuna and After School’s Lizzy will be graduating from their respective high schools on February 9th.

Earlier today, Lizzy tweeted,
Tomorrow is my high school graduation ㅜ.ㅜ…. It’s bittersweet…. that it’s already my graduation….

Meanwhile, Cube Entertainment has confirmed that HyunA will be part of the 25th graduating class from Seoul Korea Art High School. Unfortunately, the idol won’t be able to receive her diploma in person due to her schedules in Thailand.

Cube Entertainment revealed,
HyunA is very sad that she was unable to attend her high school graduation due to her overseas schedules, which were planned in advance… She will immediately be given her diploma when she returns from Korea.”
HyunA was accepted into Konkuk University’s College of Art Culture and will begin her freshman year soon.
‘Tis the season of Korean high school graduations, so stay tuned to allkpop for the latest celebrity graduation updates!

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