[Spoiler: Dream High] Kim Soo Hyun transforms into ‘Dark Samdong’

Source: My Daily
by phenom on February 9, 2011

On KBS 2TV’s “Dream High“‘, country boy ‘Samdong’ – played by actor Kim Soo Hyun – has transformed into ‘Dark Samdong’.

The 11th episode of “Dream High” started with Samdong’s shocked reaction to ‘Jin Guk” (Ock Taecyeon) and ‘Haemi’ (Bae Suzy)’s kiss. Up until that moment, Samdong had been an innocent boy who was genuinely in love with Haemi.

Heartbroken and angry, Samdong decides to cut his hair – a traditional symbolic gesture of one’s transformation. Stepping out from the barber’s, Samdong will now walk as “Dark Samdong”, a cold man stunned by the betrayal of love.

The shock eventually wears off as he walks through the streets. Samdong is seeing crying as he broods over his thoughts, “My mother lied to me. She said the heaven only gives as much pain as one can withstand, but it is too difficult for me to bear”.

It’ll be interesting to see how the love triangle will be affected by Samdong’s abrupt transformation. Stay tuned to allkpop for more “Dream High” updates!


Source: Daily News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 7, 2011

On February 7th, KBS’s “Dream High” revealed some behind-the-scenes photos of the main cast on-set.

miss A’s Suzy and T-ara’s Eunjung proved that they weren’t bitter enemies in real life, as seen by their bright smiles and affectionate posing. Meanwhile, Kim Soo Hyun and Ok Taecyeon re-created their drama love line by standing close to Suzy’s sides. IU and Wooyoung, who’re both receiving much love as the ‘Milky Couple’, can be seen smiling brilliantly with peace signs.

Although the drama focuses on the rivalry between students and classes, the film set proves to be a fun and exciting environment for the young actors.


在KBS2電視台周一周二劇《Dream High》中飾演冤家角色的miss A成員秀智(音)和T-ara成員恩靜(音)公開了親密的拍攝現場照片。在《Dream High》中,兩人雖然飾演為了達成歌手夢想而互相競爭的對頭,但事實上,兩人是非常好的姐妹關係。照片中,兩人互貼著臉頰,俏皮撅起嘴的樣子就像不折不扣的女高中生朋友一樣。而事實上,恩靜比秀智大了六歲。

電視劇相關人士轉達說“恩靜是姐姐,所以總是很照顧秀智,兩人總是相互鼓勁”。《Dream High》在2月1日的全南韓收視率達到了16.7%,不斷刷新自身的最高記錄,維持著周一周二劇的霸主地位。

《Dream High》金秀炫散發多樣魅力人氣爆棚

《Dream High》中因出色演技得到觀眾喜愛的金秀炫,如同寫真一般的劇照公開。KBS電視劇《Dream High》中,得到了理事長的特別青睞而被選入麒麟藝術高中,並在這裡發現了自己對音樂的熱愛和天分的宋森東的飾演者金秀炫,在作品中不僅展現了自己出色的演技,也透過歌曲和舞蹈等散發了多樣的魅力。本次公開的金秀炫劇照中,也讓人們再次注意到了他完美的外貌,以及有著幹淨明亮的眼神和可愛微笑的宋三東, 向著目標不斷進取的決心。另外據透露,三東將在8日播放的第11集中,帶來180度大變身,也吸引了觀眾的期待。

[Spoiler: Dream High] IU melts hearts with her guitar performance on Dream High

Source + Picture: E2 News via Naver
by ektha16 on February 7, 2011

Singer IU has melted the hearts of netizens again with her outstanding guitar performance.
During the broadcast of KBS “Dream High”, Kim Pil Sook (IU) reveals her love towards Jason (Wooyoung) by singing Panic’s song “Waiting”.

Kim Pil Sook, who was unable to attend a field trip because of Hepatitis A, was surprised by Jason’s sudden appearance at the hospital and asks, “Is this also because of your ‘manners’?” Jason, unable to reveal his true feelings towards Kim Pil Sook, coldly answers, “I wanted to hear your song. I already told you that I only like your songs.” and leaves the hospital room.

Upon hearing this, Kim Pil Sook sings a song that expresses her feelings towards Jason. Jason does not leave but simply leans against the hospital room door while listening to Pil Sook’s song.

Netizens who saw this broadcast commented, “This is such a sad situation.” “Panic’s original song is also good but IU’s version of ‘Waiting’ has a different feel to it that I really like”.

Check out the video below!

KBS2熱播劇《Dream high》日前公開大量幕後照片
《Dream high》宣傳公司 KBS2熱播劇《Dream high》的男主角Kim Su-hyeon和女主角秀智及IU親密“臉貼臉”。《Dream high》劇組7日大量公開演員們超級可愛的“情侶照”。其中不乏劇中的競爭對手——秀智和Ham Eun-jeong擺出親密姿勢,彰顯友誼的照片。在這些照片中,演員們擺出V字型勝利手勢、臉上帶著俏皮的表情,讓觀者感受到拍攝現場其樂融融的氛圍。

其中最搶眼的照片就是Kim Su-hyeon和秀智、IU的親密合影。Kim Su-hyeon和深受男性粉絲喜愛的秀智和IU親密無間的樣子招來了一片嫉妒。電視劇《Dreamhigh》劇組表示:“現在三人還都是應考班的新人,他們打出堅定信念的V字型手勢,祝願自己能升入藝術班。”

目前電視劇《Dreamhigh》已播出過半,通過展現惠美(秀智飾)和三東(Kim Su-hyeon飾)、振國(澤演飾)間的愛情故事、“牛奶情侶”Jason(佑榮飾)和碧淑,老師施京真(李允芝飾)和五赫(嚴基俊飾)的甜蜜愛情,使觀眾對該劇的喜愛和關注達到了高潮。


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