「台大雙姬」資工彌、工工花組成「OXOX」的單曲MV「Mocha Java」在網路廣為流傳,被耳尖的網友聽出,旋律與南韓女團體「Brown Eyed Girls(褐眼女子)」的代表作「Abracadabra」極為相像,引發南韓網友不滿,痛批:「台灣不是反韓嗎?幹嘛抄襲南韓歌曲!」

影音網站YouTube上有網友將「Mocha Java」和「Abracadabra」作比對,台韓網友皆指出兩曲太像,不僅段落一樣,連鼓聲也一樣,還有台灣網友大罵「作曲人厚臉皮,丟台灣人的臉」,但也有粉絲護主力挺:「資工彌在MV中的妝扮好像孫芸芸,她們比南韓女團有氣質多了。」對此她們的經紀人Allen表示無奈,也強調原創,認為跟網友指的韓團還是不太一樣,也希望外界能夠期待她們專輯的其他歌曲。

Bonnie and Fion are graduates of National Taiwan University. While in school, Bonnie was one of the five "NTU Women" and Fion was one of the thirteen "NTU young sisters." Now they are setting their eyes on a career in singing. Their first music video was released on January 10. To make this video, they spent more than NT$100,000 on their costumes. They hired Jay Chou's director Jennifer to direct the show. In total, this music video cost more than NT$1 million!

Bonnie and Fion participated in the planning of the entire project, including, the singing style, the lyrics, the costumes, etc. They also set up and designed the official website. They did not know how to dance before they made the decision to make this video, so they had to undergo a marathon training to learn to dance, working five hours a day.

For the first song , the filming took twenty hours. In the video, they had to keep shaking their tits in seductive poses. Afterwards, they said, "We're almost dead!"

According to the netizen "SIN*", XOXO's appears to be copying the song by the Korean girl group Brown Eyed Girls. "SIN*" said "why does Taiwan need so many groups of this kind? ... Nowadays can you make a record because you can show your flesh?" Netizen 'tinashen' wrote: "The songwriter ought to explain how many sections were 'consulted'." Netizen 'servant of three cats' was more 'forgiving': "This is not plagiarism -- this is a cover version."


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