Early at 1am on Jan 8, 2011 in Dongguan city, Guangdong province, more than 500 fully armed police, armed police and special weapons/tactical team police raided 19 target locations within a period of two hours. More than 300 people were brought back for investigation ...



專騙中老年婦 自稱能醫百病


警方指出,過去兩年該集團活躍於廣州、深圳 、惠州、中山、佛山、東莞等地,僅東莞便涉案百宗以上。他們利用中、老年婦女迷信的心理,由其中一名成員扮成熱心街坊與受害者搭訕,再訛稱自己認識「神仙」,介紹給受害人認識;之後,假扮「神仙」的騙子會以算命、消災等理由,要求受害者捐出錢財「祈福消災」。而為求逼真,扮街坊的成員還會抱著嬰兒來掩人耳目,降低受害人警戒心。



According to information, the police were targeting a group whose members came mainly from Hunan province. These people targeted middle-aged and old women. They claimed to be "Living Gods" and "Living Miraculous Doctors" who can dispel bad fortune and cure rare diseases.

Over the past two years, this group was highly active in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Weizhou, Zhongshan, Foshan, Dongguan, etc. There were more than 100 cases reported in Dongguan alone. These people took advantage of the superstitious beliefs of middle-aged and old women. One of the members introduce herself as a kind neighbor and chat with the victim. Sometimes, she will even cradle a baby in her arms in order to reduce suspicion. She claims to know a "Living God" whom she introduces to the victim. Then this "Living God" will ask the victim to donate money to "receive blessings and dispel bad luck."

Last January, they took 60,000 yuan in cash and more than 20,000 yuan worth of jewelry from one victim. Two months later, another victim lost 320,000 yuan. According to the police, they began to track this group several months ago. Three months ago, the police pretended to be construction workers and built a wooden shack near where the group members were staying. The wooden shack had many holes in the walls through which the police recorded every move of these "Living Gods." Then the police tightened the net and arrested 53 suspects.

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