10日,三星電子表示,他們已與3段高音女生IU簽署專屬代言的合同。IU小小身體裡爆發出的驚人演唱實力,當然最近在電視劇中也有演出的她,無疑 成為多面女郎。三星電子表示,無論在哪個領域都有出色表現的IU,與我們旗下的ANYCALL形象十分相符,所以才促成這次合作的。IU發表感悟說:「繼 李孝利,Eric,BoA,李準基後,我能成為ANYCALL的代言人真的很高興。無論歌手,演員,還是廣告代言,我都會發揮百分之百的能力,爭取成長為 萬能藝人。」

Source: Newsen via Daum
by VITALSIGN on January

Samsung Electronics announced that they’ve selected IU to be the exclusive model for their Anycall brand on January 11th.
Representatives explained that they chose IU because of her success not only as a talented singer, but as a drama actress as well. Her variety of talented skills were said to have fit well with the capabilities of their Anycall product.
Samsung further explained, “Despite IU being a ‘rookie’ artist, her talents are enough to create a big bang in the industry. We cast her as our model because we believed that her variety of talents fit well with the capabilities of our Anycall. She’s truly an almighty entertainer that has so much talent in both singing and acting. She’s a definite fit to our Anycall image, and we believe she’ll be able to capture more variety of consumers. We’re looking forward to both Anycall and IU advancing into a brand that will become more loved by all generations and ages of this nation.
IU commented, “Top stars such as Lee Hyori, Eric, BoA, Lee Junki and many others were models for Anycall, so I’m glad to be a part of this. As a singer, actress, and now a CF model, I’ll be working hard in order to become an all-around entertainer.

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