統派媒嘴長期以來歪曲事實的專長,在此次的中指蕭擋車事件,竟然也能發揮得淋灕盡至, 令人嘆為觀止。到底是什麼原因讓一件橫行霸道的惡意事件,成為 ..繼續閱讀

This refers to the Taipei driver who raised his middle finger while blocking an ambulance which was rushing an old woman to the hospital

A group entitled was formed on Facebook. The organizer said that it was going too far to deliberately obstruct an emergency vehicle, and the driver must be found and made to account for himself. The group is formed early morning of December 25. By 11pm on December 27, more than 113,000 persons have already signed up.

When the police checked for license plate number 4569-ER, they found that the owner was a woman. They contacted the woman, who said that her 33-year-old son was the driver. The police asked the son to come down to the police station. But the police station was surrounded by a horde of television reporters. The parents requested the police to hold the interview at a secret location.

The parents showed their son's medical record to the police. They said that the pressure of being a national celebrity may cause him to commit suicide. After the interview, the parents and the son wanted to apologize to the daughter of the old lady and the emergency medical workers in the ambulance. But they were afraid of encountering reporters and therefore canceled the trip for now.

According to the police, the 33-year-old driver will be charged with interfering with official business. He will also be charged with reckless driving and failure to yield to an emergency vehicle in accordance with traffic law.

Did this incident cause the death of the old lady? The ambulance crew and the hospital both said that the old lady was not breathing when they saw her. The daughter of the old lady said that she will leave the matter "in the hands of God."

Things calmed down a bit and then there was that telephone call.

On December 26, the father of Hsiao Ming-li called up the TVBS phone-in program. Here is an excerpt of the conversation:

Hsiao: Do you know that my son is being driven to death by you people?
Guest 1: What are you saying?
Hsiao: My son is being to driven to death by you people. Do you know? Because ..
Guest 1: What are you talking about?
Hsiao: I said that my son is being driven to death by your! Because my son does have a mental illness ... he is feeling very bad about this ... he wants to commit suicide ...
Guest 1: That woman ... that old woman died on the ambulance!
Hsiao: Right! That is the first point. The second point about that old woman is that ... at the time, my son ... firstly, he did not know that she was ill ... secondly ...
Host: She was in an ambulance!
Hsiao: My son heard about that, so he found it hard ... he was panic-stricken ...
Guest 2 (shaking his head): This is so exaggerated.
Hsiao: (sigh) You ... you must ... (sigh)
Guest 2: You can keep talking! You keep talking! I think that what you say is too exaggerated! She was in an ambulance! What kind of person would be in an ambulance! You keep talking!
Hsiao: I am not exaggerating ... I don't think that I have made any exaggerations in what I said!
Guest 2: You keep talking! Mr. Hsiao, what kind of person would be in an ambulance?
Hsiao: No ...
Guest 2: What kind of person do you think?
Hsiao: No ...
Guest 2: Someone with neither illness nor pain?

On December 27, people began to post the personal information of the driver (33-year-old Hsiao Ming-li). He is a doctoral candidate in history at Taiwan National University at this time. The university is shocked by the incident but defers to the police to handle the case. His PTT and Facebook accounts were found, but they were quickly shut down.

Hsiao Ming Li did not say anything, but his younger brother did:

I am the younger brother of the principal
I am sorry that my family has not set an good example for society
I am very ashamed and I apologize to the family of the victim
The action of my relative has caused irreparable harm
I know that nothing can bring the old lady back
But I will do anything possible
that is within my capability
If the victim's family allows, I will surely attend the memorial service
I thought that my parents ought to come out and deal with the matter
After all, I am a younger person who does not know what to do
At first, people believed that I was the instigator
But I have full proof that I was not at the scene that night
You can directly view the surveillance tape of the convenience store
I did not go anywhere to celebrate Xmas
I went to buy something at the convenience store
and the surveillance tape can establish that
I still have to apologize to society as a whole

Here is a spoof of a Japanese cartoon in which a besieged man says, "I am sick!"

Ambulance Blocker
(12/26/2010 Apple Daily)

On Christmas Eve in Taipei, a 86-year-old woman was experiencing a massive cardiovascular failure. The ambulance rushed her to the hospital. On the way, most cars yielded way to the ambulance except for one car with license plate 4569-ER. This driver cut in front of the ambulance, paused at the traffic light, raised the middle finger to the ambulance crew and ignored the pleas of a motorcyclist to yield. When the light turned green, this driver continued to weave, bob and brake in front of the ambulance.

The woman was dead by the time that the ambulance arrived at the hospital. The ambulance crew posted this video onto the Internet. Netizens who saw this video swore that they were going to locate this driver through "human flesh search."

The 33-year-old driver has emerged. His explanation was that he has a problem with sensory over-stimulation. Whenever he hears siren sounds (from emergency vehicles), he loses control. He says that he has no recollection of what happened that night.


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