Miss A拋開強勢形象 面帶幹淨笑容宛若孩子

by VITALSIGN on December 7, 2010
miss A revealed their true personalities in an interview with TV magazine, “Hello TV“.

When asked how they hoped people would view them, miss A answered, “Whichever song we are promoting, we hope that people view us for that song’s concept. For ‘Bad Girl Good Girl,’ our concept was feminine strength, while ‘Breathe‘ is an image of a cute girl falling in love for the first time.”

Through the interview, they revealed that they are quite different than their on-stage persona.

“People are afraid of me because of my pink hair and make-up, but my personality’s actually very girly. I like pink objects and kittens,” added Jia, revealing her feminine side.

Maknae Suzy continued, “On the outside, I look like I’d be the innocent type, but I’m actually a hyper girl with a lot of cute antics. Fei has a quiet personality, but immediately turns into a cute chatterbox the minute she receives a question in Chinese.”

Min stated, “Lately, I’ve been trying to fix how my facial expressions show my every emotion.”

Their full interview can be read in the December issue of “Hello TV”.

Miss A拋開了強悍女子的形象,變身可愛的女孩亮相。

Miss A為CJ電視雜誌《Hello TV》12月號拍攝了造型照並接受了採訪,在採訪中她們展現了和舞台上一樣爽朗又直接的魅力。針對希望周圍的人們用怎樣眼神看待Miss A的提問,成員們回答道:「進行什麼歌曲的活動時,大家就按照那首歌的主題看待我們就好了。《Bad Girl Good Girl》是強悍的女孩,《Breathe》的時候就是陷入愛情的可愛少女,這樣看待就可以了。」


Miss A之後將在南韓以及新加坡等海外地區帶來豐富多彩的活動。

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