Label Jive (USA)
Release Date Dec 14, 2010

◎請來曾為貓王製作專輯的英籍跨界製作大師David Bendeth掌舵首張個人專輯

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1. Ridin With the Radio
2. For What It's Worth
3. Farmer's Daughter

4. Holy Toledo
5. Lonely Won't Come Around

6. Hold On
7. On the Run
8. Kiss Ya
9. Speak Now
10. Mine All Mine
11. Mason
12. Arlene

造型獨特、嗓音極具感染力的克麗絲朵,以粗獷樸實的演唱風格,一舉拿下「美國偶像American Idol」第九季亞軍,成為五強唯一女性參賽者。

專輯《Farmer's Daughter》請來曾為貓王製作專輯的英籍跨界製作大師David Bendeth掌舵,克莉絲朵譜寫了專輯中多數歌曲,並秀出拿手的吉他演奏,發行甫拿下告示牌搖滾榜亞軍及數位下載榜Top8。開場曲〈Ridin' With The Radio〉,就帶出西部鄉村的快意律動,一展率性真我;重新詮釋民謠搖滾團體Buffalo Springfield於1967年Top7的經典代表〈For What It's Worth〉,增添一抹靈魂藍調的迷人氣息,並請來新世代搖滾偶像Breaking Benjamin的鼓手Chad Szeliga助陣;專輯同名曲〈Farmer's Daughter〉,以空心吉他開場帶來動聽的鄉村樂章,歌詞道盡兒時家暴的陰影,全曲盡是克莉絲朵對母親的痛苦回憶,此曲一發行即受到美、加兩地的電台熱烈迴響;輕鬆愉悅的〈Lonely Won't Come Around〉,則展現了克莉絲朵青春氣息的搖滾本色;實力唱腔的〈Hold On〉則交由全球熱銷的Post-Grunge團隊Nickelback,以及性感美麗的暢銷歌曲製造機Kara DioGuardi聯手量身打造,是首深具女性自覺的動聽歌曲;流露淡雅憂愁的〈Mine All Mine〉、和新婚老公Brian Walker深情對唱〈Mason〉,亦是克莉絲朵動人真誠的小品佳作,整張專輯強烈完整的率性風格,是喜歡鄉村藍調的樂迷們,不可多得的流暢作品。

Farmer's Daughter is Crystal Bowersox's major-label debut, released half a year after her stint on American Idol and containing the same earthy, folky fare she favored on the show. Bowersox wrote most of the material herself, although she pays homage to her influences by also including a cover of Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth."

We'll admit right up front that we're coming at Crystal Bowersox' Farmer's Daughter (December 14, Jive) from a slightly different perspective than many. Not being counted among the millions who watched the ninth season of American Idol -- we'd rather be waterboarded with boiling oil -- we only know Ms. Bowersox and her debut album from what we've heard and read. So we know she can sing, with a husky and supple soul shout of a voice, and unlike most of her small screen competition she can actually play (guitar) and write her own songs. But had it not been for her rather unconventional presence on Idol would we be anticipating Bowersox' music?

Well, probably not -- but that's not to dismiss it, either. We mostly like the soulful, spunky folk and countrified rock that permeate Daughter's twelve tracks, some quite a bit. Bowersox mostly comes off as a very non-Idol: a little rough around the edges, comfortable in her own imperfect skin. When she sings "Whatever happened to good ol' rock and roll, what ever became of rhythm and blues and soul" on the album opener "Ridin' With the Radio" we sense she was born decades too late, that the glossy autotuned hip-pop that dominates the charts doesn't really register with her. Not surprisingly, Daughter's one non-original, the cookie cutter single "Hold On" by ex-Idol judge Kara Dioguardi and Nickelback's Chad Kroeger, is the only real dud here. Conversely, the emotional title track, dedicated to (or aimed at) her mother, is a bloodletting revelation of impressive lyrical and melodic power. "Mommy dear" indeed.


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