by HYPERMANIAC on October 23, 2010

Ga-In’s recent defeat by 2PM on KBS's 뮤직뱅크“Music Bank” has sparked a heated debate amongst netizens and industry representatives alike. The “Irreversible” singer had already suffered a loss on Mnet’s “M Countdown” due to their unclear voting standards, as well as their restrictive system of voting (qualifying votes are made through me2day or Twitter only).

Many have already predicted her loss on “Music Bank” as well, since the program seems to cater to artists with larger fandoms.

Ga-in had a considerable lead in every category except for ‘album sales’, causing netizens to discuss the low result heatedly on online message portals. Scathing comments were left, such as, “This was manipulated. JYPE bought back their own albums in order to give the win to 2PM“, “It’s such a disappointment that a group won just because of blind album sales and not because of talent“, and “This is why the state of our music industry is such a mess.”

Part of the blame landed upon Ga-In’s agency, Nega Network, in being too careful with her promotion cycle. Nega Network did not predict that Ga-in’s solo efforts would be particularly fruitful, since Narsha’s solo debut achieved little on the music charts despite garnering much praise for her vocal talent.

Consequently, the agency produced only 10,000 copies of Ga-In’s album. Yet they failed to factor in Ga-In’s popularity from her “We Got Married” status, as she received an immense amount of support from both her fanbase and the fanbase of her ‘husband’ Jo Kwon. In any case, the situation reached a point where even if fans wanted to purchase the album, there were no albums to be sold, causing a considerable drop in her album sales score on music program rankings.

Many representatives also criticized “Music Bank” for their biased points setup. The system is set up in such a way that only the artists with the largest fanbases can win on the show. This is a substantial issue, as album sales are reflected twice as high, in comparison to other categories. Unfortunately, their setup has caused their own name to be tarnished for failing to award Ga-In. 2PM fans also received backlash for buying an excessive amount of extra albums with their recent $150,000 USD bulk purchase, thereby distorting the results.

Netizens have been pooling their support for Ga-In, and are hoping to see her win on ‘Inkigayo‘ with tears of joy alongside her husband.

Music Bank公正性遭質疑


在10/22的Music Bank ,佳人的落敗造成了許多網友對Music Bank的評分標準產生質疑

佳人在星期四的M!Countdown已經因為不清不楚的投票方式而落敗 很多網友甚至已經在星期五的Music Bank之前就已經猜測他會再次落敗 表示不是因為他贏不了 而是因為不公平的計分方式 以及使用有名的程度來決定誰輸誰贏

在Music Bank上 佳人在每個計分總數上都是處於領先 就差一個「專輯銷售量」沒有贏過2PM 造成網友們極大的不滿 有網友甚至嚴重懷疑的說: 「這個結果是被改過的 JYP為了要讓2PM贏而買回他們所有的專輯 所以才銷量那麼大」還說「 一個歌手因為沒有證實的銷售數字而贏 而不是因為有才華 有天份才贏 這是很可悲的」也說「這就是為什麼我們的音樂市場現在那麼的亂」

這個事件 全部的錯必須要怪在佳人的經紀公司: Nega Network。因為當初想要很小心宣傳這張專輯的他們 完全沒有預料到佳人的成績會那麼的亮眼 就是因為這樣 這張佳人Solo專輯 Nega Network只有做出10,000張的CD 不過因為在「我結」裡面 佳人與趙權的名氣 導致不只Brown Eyed Girls的粉絲想買 就連2AM的粉絲也想要搶購

那現在糗了,只有印出10,000張,怎麼能大賣?? 想買也買不到!

更多人表示Music Bank的評分方式完全就是以哪方的歌迷較多 哪方比較有名來決定誰輸誰贏 其實 這樣講是沒有錯誤的 在這次的評比裡 2PM的專輯銷量是佳人的兩倍高 但是和其他的地方相比 佳人領先的分數也沒有高到差很多的地步 就是因為這樣導致佳人必須讓步 把第一名的獎盃讓給2PM

不管怎麼樣,網友們現在還是持續的繼續支持佳人 也希望他可以跟他的老公趙權在人氣歌謠上 一起分享真正得獎的喜悅 並且流下感動的眼淚!

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