Label Roadrunner
Release Date Jul 13, 2010

Special Edition
Lyricist: Korn.
Personnel: Jonathan Davis (vocals); James "Munky" Shaffer (guitar); Ray Luzier (drums).
Audio Mixer: Jim Monti.
Recording information: Korn Studios, Hollywood, CA (05/10/2010); Roseland Ballroom, NYC (05/10/2010).
Photographer: Joseph Cultice.Spin - 3.5 stars out of 5 -- "Korn go back to nu-metal basics....REMEMBER packs pain by the pound."

01. Uber-Time
02. Oildale (Leave Me Alone)
03. Pop A Pill
04. Fear Is A Place To Live
05. Move On
06. Lead The Parade
07. Let The Guilt Go
08. The Past
09. Never Around
10. Are You Ready To Live?
11. Holding All These Lies
12. Trapped Underneath The Stairs
13. People Pleaser
14. Blind (Live)

???Uber-Time [In-Studio Music Video]

01. Oildale (Leave Me Alone)
02. Pop A Pill
03. Fear Is A Place To Live
04. Move On
05. Lead The Parade
06. Let The Guilt Go
07. The Past
08. Never Around
09. Are You Ready To Live?
10. Holding All These Lies

Their ninth offering, 'Korn III - Remember Who You Are,' is their first effort for brand new label home, Roadrunner Records, and it bursts at the seams with that very feeling that defined the band from the get-go. Each song unleashes an uneasiness reminiscent of Korn's earliest and most unbridled material, but
there's also a modern refinement that's epic in its execution. Korn definitely don't lose sight of their roots on 'Korn III - Remember Who You Are,' but they also venture into uncharted darkness. All that truly matters is where they're going. The album strikes a balance between their past and their future, as it finds the band reuniting with producer Ross Robinson, who manned the boards for their first two records, all the while joining forces with Roadrunner Records, the world's leading rock label. With 'Korn III - Remember Who You Are,' it's their time...

* 葛萊美「最佳金屬團體」大獎肯定的新世代Nu-Metal大佬回歸猛碟
* 轉換跑道至Roadrunner名廠旗下,曾是David Lee Roth專屬鼓手Ray Luzier入替,僱用Ross Robinson(Slipknot、Limp Bizkit、Sepultura)掌盤
* 構成招牌怒金屬圖像的第一主打「Oildale (Leave Me Alone)」,快速推入US主流搖滾榜前10名之林
* CD加收3首作品,DVD更收錄以錄音室製作過程影像精心剪接而成的整張專輯音樂錄影帶,以及幕後花絮!
* 歐洲原裝進口,DVD為全區NTSC

90年代狂妄吹起Nu-Meatl風潮的祖師爺代表團Korn,個個擁有超有型的裝扮,引入大批黑暗頹圮勢力籠罩搖滾樂壇,贏取葛萊美「最佳金屬團體」肯定,也是同類型樂團中首組攻破流行防線,開出商業亮眼紅盤,創下全球爆量3200萬的驚人銷售數字。提攜後輩更是不遺餘力的Korn,除了讓得意門徒Limp Bizkit成功站上一席之地,還特別發起「Family Values」音樂祭典,發掘以及推薦優質新秀。

  由主唱Jonathan Davis領軍,加上雙吉他手Brian “Head” Welch、James “Munky” Shaffer、貝斯手Reginald “Fieldy” Arvizu、鼓手David Silveria等五位黃金成員組成的Korn,自簽入Sony音樂集團後,於1994及1996年分別發行“Korn”與“Life Is Peachy”兩張震撼大作,延伸全球搖滾新視野。1998年的“Follow The Leader”和1999年“Issues”,更直奔告示牌冠軍寶座,接著2002年的“Untouchables”、2003年的“Take A Look In The Mirror”,也都白金唱片輕鬆入袋。就在Korn慶祝十年風光歲月之際,Brian宣布離團,2005年轉入Virgin新東家,改以四人組合推出“See You On The Other Side”,仍聲名不墜的穩住氣勢。2007年鼓手David脫隊,“Untitled”專輯的電氣化,令樂迷耳目一新。

  蟄伏3年之久,改跑道至Roadrunner名廠旗下,端呈第9張錄音室大碟“Korn III – Remember Who You Are”,請到曾是David Lee Roth專屬鼓手的Ray Luzier取代David位置,僱用當紅猛將Ross Robinson (Slipknot、Limp Bizkit、Sepultura)全程掌盤。回歸剛出道時陰沉聲韻的「Oildale (Leave Me Alone)」,猛烈敲醒聆聽雙耳,伴隨吉他放肆飆奏、貝斯躍動急譟、大鼓無情撞擊,構成最Korn式的招牌怒金屬圖像,快速推進US主流搖滾榜前10名之林;凶狠的「Pop A Pill」,絲毫沒有減緩速度的意願,反而變本加厲的灌入殘暴音響;就是要挖掘內心恐懼面的「Fear Is A Place To Live」,以及瀕臨崩潰邊緣的神經質情緒傾洩「Let The Guilt Go」,一再激起直轟腦門的爽快;如同雨點般的子彈掃射出「Are You Ready To Live?」,Jonathan不斷利用呢喃演繹穿插現形,散發不寒而慄的感受。緊抓住Nu-Metal精髓,徹底解放全身的High感神經,勢必將能再造Korn的事業新里程碑!



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