Title: My Valentine (Laew Rak...Gor Mun Rop Dtua Rao)
Director: Pornchai Hongrattanaporn, Songsak Mongkolthong, Seree Phongnithi
Starring: Mintita Wattanakul, Krit Sripoomseth, Wasu Saengsingkaew, Suwikrom Amaranon
Website: http://www.myvalentinethemovie.com/
Release Date in Thailand: 4 February 2010

When destiny brings three men to a girl called Mind, she finds that they all have different personalities which she likes equally. She has to decide by her self. Or get her friends, her parents or even let fate decide. For this coming Valentine's Day who will she choose.

《我的情人節》- 丹鳳眼剩女的曼谷求愛計劃 -
不要懷疑,水汪汪大眼的日韓妹妹已經過時,現在是華人丹鳳眼美女的天下啦!《下一站 說愛你》首次把在曼谷生活的華人美女作為影片女主角,梅麗(Sirin Horwang飾演)的瞇瞇丹鳳小眼頓時成為時尚的最佳代言。而泰國歷史最悠久的電影公司五星制片(FIVE STAR PRODUCTION)也找來了這麼一位瞇瞇眼女子,為其量身打造了這部《我的情人節》。

女主角阿麥是個保險推銷員,華人。和多數曼谷女人一樣,她在女多男少的社會裡不幸淪為嫁不出去的剩女。今年的情人節前,她在推銷保險的過程中遇到了3個完全不同的男生:青春的宅男大學生底迪,帥氣的素食主義型男,以及老土卻深情的老實中年。情人節就要到了,誰才是她下定決心要去追求的Mr.Right? 預告片已經放出,相當搞笑。


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