挪威 M2M窈窕美眉 瑪莉特


marit larsen 的聲音比較柔
marion raven 的就比較剛..
marit 雖然發展沒有marion 好 但她的歌耐聽 很有感覺 舒服。


01. The Chase 愛 從春天開始
02. If A Song Could Get Me You 觸動心弦


I could try you with a waltz
I could try you rock and roll
I could try you with the blues
If a song would do

I could sing it high or low
When I let you go you know
I thought it was for the best
Now it is so obvious

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

I could run for miles and miles
I'd take off and I'd start flying
I could cross land and sea
If you just believe me

I should not have hurt you so
This old house is not a home
Without you here, there's no use
I've got no time left to lose

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

If a song could get me through
I'd sing my way, right back to you
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Tell me how, to make it right
Tell me now, I'll start tonight
I know I could make it last

I swear to you that if I knew
What I was getting myself into
I wouldn't answer to my fears
I'd never leave you standing there

Just look at me

If you'd only see me
I would prove my love for you
I could swallow half the moon
Just tell me where, tell me when
I will have you back again

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

03. This Is Me, This Is You 你我之間
04. Ten Steps 十個步伐
05. Steal My Heart 偷走我的心
06. Is It Love 這是愛嗎
07. Fuel 星星之火
08. Addicted 沉醉
09. I've Heard Your Love Songs 情歌知我心
10. Fences 牆圍

◎ 入選挪威年度十大專輯,空降冠軍創作專輯
◎ 收錄空降挪威金榜冠軍/電影【微笑馬戲團】台灣區主題曲〈If A Song Could Get Me You〉及話題歌曲〈Steal My Heart〉
◎ 內附中英歌詞

單飛之後的「窈窕美眉」瑪莉特Marit Larsen隨著首張專輯《埋藏心底Under The Surface》的發行,締造出色非凡成績。令人耳目一新的再出發,瑪莉特蛻變成獨樹一格的創作精靈,而不再只是當初那個以「窈窕美眉M2M」創下銷售佳績的甜美女孩!瑪莉特的首張專輯不僅獲得暢銷上的成功,這位創作精靈更藉由首張專輯,帶領聆聽者以一個更深入、更寬廣的角度來認識她和欣賞她的作品,讓瑪莉特的音樂本身,變成吸引人們注意的耀眼本質!相隔兩年,瑪莉特以平易近人的態度,兼顧著超凡的音樂品質,帶來她的全新第二張全創作專輯《愛 從春天開始The Chase》。新作有著簡單入耳的曲調、獨樹一格旋律、迷人的新民謠曲風、充滿質感的古典樂音、甚至是帶有實驗氣息的藍草音符Bluegrass。《The Chase》保留著些許首張專輯《Under The Surface》的熟悉氣味。除了滿滿的創作自由度依舊暢快之外,卻多了更多令人雀躍的音樂編排,再次證明這位創作精靈過人的感受力。

瑪莉特的新專輯定名為《The Chase》,其實想要表達的是,人們對於完美生活的勇敢追逐。藉由尋覓正確的路徑,來找到自我,進而確定自己想變成那樣的人,當然過程之中,還是會擔心每次的抉擇都會造成不同的結果,偶爾也會有害怕迷失方向的不安心情。新輯推出之後,立即獲得來自商業電台及專業樂評等各方的好評,更獲得眾多出色音樂人的無私背書。專輯發行首週立刻空降挪威金榜冠軍,並在2008年底,入選挪威權威報紙Dagbladet「年度十大專輯」。明亮曲調裡蘊含著滿滿的力量,專輯同名曲〈The Chase〉,打開一片浩瀚的築夢宇宙;空降挪威金榜冠軍的首發單曲〈If A Song Could Get Me You〉,隨著旋律打開瑪莉特心中那個音樂盒;充滿美式鄉村基調的歌曲〈Ten Steps〉,展現瑪莉特勇敢堅強的一面;音符不自覺地躡手躡腳一同聚集,原來是因為電影【西西利亞的世界I Et Speil, I En Gate】裡的話題歌曲〈Steal My Heart〉,早已微笑入座;蜜糖般的口氣感覺卻不黏牙,〈Addicted〉不知不覺地上癮,咀嚼著愛戀裡的全神貫注;溫暖擺盪的〈Fences〉,來回映射美麗的音符波光、堆疊飛舞的吟唱,營造出一個心醉神迷的氛圍。藉由各式充滿生命力的樂器,編織成迷人的旋律、撼動人心的節奏,堆疊出劇場式充滿故事畫面的歌曲。


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