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導演:Thanakorn Pongsuwan (神探‧人獸‧機關槍)
編劇:Thanakorn Pongsuwan (神探‧人獸‧機關槍)
演員:Preeti Barameeanant (泰國搖滾天團Clash主唱)
發行公司:Bangkok Filmstudio

劇情簡介:泰(Preeti Barameeanant)出獄後發現自己的孿生兄弟唐陷入昏迷整整一年,調查後發現唐曾加入籃球火地下組織,一種根據籃球規則改變的暴力競賽,並由地下幫派操控著比賽。泰必須 親上火線加入組織查清真相替兄弟報仇。

Title: Fireball (Taa/Chon)

Director: Thanakorn Pongsuwan

Starring: Preeti "Bank" Barameeanan, Khanutra Chuchuaysuwan, Phutharit Prombundarn

Official website:

Release Date in Thailand: 29 January 2009

Tai, a young man arrested on a crime charge, is discharged thanks to his twin brother Tan’s dogged help. After being set free, he finds Tan in a coma with severe injuries. Tan’s girlfriend, Pang, tells Tai that his brother got involved in some risky business to raise money to fight Tai’s case. Tai feels guilty that his problems brought his brother trouble. He then traces what happened to Tan, which ultimately leads him into illegal basketball gambling. Tai wants to find out who is behind this gambling and why his brother was beaten unconscious. He finally joins the “Fireball” team, a team which belongs to Hia Den and whose players include Singha, Kay, Ik, and Muek. In order to uncover the truth, Tai trades many things—possibly even his life.

Movie Trailer:

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