小葉 0620

movie: alone (fadd)
director: banjong pisanthanakun & parkpoom wongpoom
release: 2007/3


แฝด (alone) teaser

泰國鬼片鬼影(Shutter)導演最新作品連體陰(Alone)在泰國上映首周末衝出3500萬台幣的票房,打破【鬼影】紀錄。 故事更驚悚,自認大膽的觀眾千萬別錯過。 【鬼影】是2004年泰國的國片票房冠軍,開片票房2800萬台幣,累積票房高達9100萬台幣,穩坐當年第一名寶座,票房收入是當年第二名泰國電影【The Bodyguard】的1.5倍;【連體陰】在泰國開片時,一如預期奪下首周票房冠軍,開出3500萬台幣的佳績,是【鬼影】開片票房的1.25倍,後勢看漲。

The one of new thai flick that you could see it in this year cos Marsha back on film screen and she also sing for this soundtrack too 'Suan Neung Khong Chan (A Part of Me)'

ส่วนหนึ่งของฉัน(A Part of Me) Ost. Alone MV

alone (its orginal thai title is fadd (แฝด) which literally means ‘twins’ in english) tells a story a thai couples (ploy & vee) both working and living in korea. on one night, ploy receives an emergency phone call from thailand notified that her mother just had a stroke. ploy and vee then have to fly back immediately.

after a while, the film starts to tell the audience that ploy is used to be conjoined twins but she had the operation to seperate her and her sister when they were fifteen years old. the result of that operation led to her sister’s death. after arriving at her old house, she begins to feel that she has been watched. someone or something is staying beside her. she’s believing it must be her sister coming back from the dead to reclaim her life.

masha wattanapanich successfully portrays the role of conjoined twins with her exceptional acting skills. background music is just brilliant. special effects used in this film suits are all good, though many scenes are not so originals as many people who’ve seen it told me there’re several scenes that resembling to hollywood film ‘what lies beneath’ and korean film 薔花,紅蓮(a tale of two sisters)… fortunately i’ve never seen ‘what lies beneath’ and i remembered turning off television after watching 薔花,紅蓮on dvd for 50 minutes because it was so boring. in fact, there’re very few originalities in horror films these days, so i wouldn’t mind watching the same effect which was previously used in other films if they can put it in the right moment like this one. personally i think it’s stupid if we’re going to watch a film to catch if the scenes we just saw were used in other films without really looking into the context of the whole film.

my most favorite scene is the scene where masha walking by the beach alone. it’s so thrilling! i would freak out if i was in that situation. another unforgetable scene is the sound of breathing.

in my opinion, the weak point of this film is the plot. there’re some unexplainable scenes. i believe 50% percent of the audience who constantly watch thriller / suspense / horror flicks would be able to figure out the ending after watching half of the film. there’s nothing seriously wrong with that. i just thought it would be great if they could add something more twisted, more unexpected.

though ‘alone’ can’t surpass their previous work titled ’shutter’ but ‘alone’ is definitely can be called as a decent thriller film. recommend for all horror/thriller film lovers.

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