該測試版目前僅開放收到邀請的美國用戶試用,現階段允許使用者免費儲存2萬首歌。對於Google未銷售音樂卻提供音樂雲端儲存服務,外界已開始猜測這將引起主要唱片業者的抗議,擔心Google Music成為散布盜版音樂的平台。

Google於周二(5/10)的I/O會議上發表了Google Music測試版,該服務允許使用者上傳並儲存音樂,之後可串流到使用者的電腦及Android裝置上,不過該測試版目前僅開放收到邀請的美國用戶試用,現階段允許使用者免費儲存2萬首歌。

使用者可上傳電腦上的iTunes音樂資料庫或音樂檔案至Google Music上,並有一Instant Mix功能可自動建立播放清單,同時能夠自動同步各種裝置(如手機和PC)上的音樂與播放清單,並支援離線播放。


Google除了於2009年在中國推出免費音樂下載服務外,曾於同年在美國發表音樂搜尋服務,迄今仍未提供音樂銷售服務。最新的Google Music與Amazon Cloud Drive有些類似,後者為一雲端硬碟服務,提供可儲存各種內容的20GB免費空間,但Amazon特別推出Cloud Player for Web及Cloud Player for Android程式供瀏覽器及Android裝置用戶透過串流聆聽儲存於Amazon Cloud Drive上的音樂。

對於Google未銷售音樂卻提供音樂雲端儲存服務,外界已開始猜測這將引起主要唱片業者的抗議,擔心Google Music成為散布盜版音樂的平台,目前Google尚未對如何避免盜版音樂提出具體方案。

Despite a failure to cut deals with the major labels, Google Music is set to launch in beta today at the Google I/O 2011 Developer Conference. Initially at least, the service will function as a cloud music locker and without a download store or a paid streaming service. But Google Music will offer some features that Amazon's cloud locker does not.

Google's free music locker will include 50GB of space, enough to to store 20,000 songs. Amazon currently gives 5G of free space plus a variety of paid upgrades. Another Google feature will automatically create playlists for users. Beta invites will be handed out at the I/O conference today and a full US roll-out should happen within a couple of weeks.

Why no downloads or streaming? “Unfortunately, a couple of the major labels were less focused on the innovative vision that we put forward, and more interested in in an unreasonable and unsustainable set of business terms,” Jamie Rosenberg, who oversees digital content and strategy for Google’s Android platform, told AllThingsDigital. What's next? “I think we’re honestly going to learn from the beta experience, and think about opportunities for the long-term model,” he said.

Expect Apple to launch a similar service tied to iTunes within weeks.

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