Click here to listen to Moby’s album titled Destroyed.

風靡全球的電子音樂魔法師,魔比Moby 2011年回歸電子樂器基本原型,流露最動人情感的作品,將於05/20全台發行最新專輯《Destroyed》!05/10起,網友可以透過知名線上音樂串流網站Soundcloud與專屬APP的服務,搶鮮聽見魔比Moby新輯《Destroyed》全曲目。

Moby has revealed another video from his new album that we are highly anticipating. We can’t wait to hear more, although some of the songs he previewed are not within the direction that we thought he would take. Nonetheless, we loves us some Moby.

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