Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
by VITALSIGNon April 4, 2011

JYJ standing before their 22,000 audience at their two-day concert in Thailand.

On April 2nd and 3rd, JYJ finally kicked off their world tour in Bangkok, Thailand at the Impact Arena. The “JYJ World Tour Concert“ managed to bring in 22,000 fans, proving the group’s worth as Hallyu stars.

As it is JYJ’s first solo concert away from SM Entertainment and their brand as ‘TVXQ‘, industry representatives from both Korea and overseas kept close tabs on the event.

The members never forgot to thank their fans throughout their concert for not forgetting them, and for taking time out of their lives to attend their concert.  Through an impressive laser show, the trio emerged on the stage with “Empty“, and went on to perform “IDS“, “Nine“, and “Pierrot.”

The Thailand fans were also the first to be able to hear the debut live performance of “Untitled Song Part 1“, a track from their latest best seller, “JYJ Music Essay“.

The members also revealed four tracks that they had written and composed, which included “Get Out“, “In Heaven“, “Boy’s Letter“, and “You Are“.

1. Boy’s Letter – lyrics by Jaejoong

2. You Are – lyrics by Junsu

3. Get Out – lyrics by Jaejoong & Yuchun; composition by Jaejoong

4. In Heaven – lyrics & composition by Jaejoong

Yoochun stated, “I feel proud that we’ve collected enough songs to hold a concert.  As it is a world tour, we wanted to leave a stronger impression than that of our showcase last fall. As much as we are satisfied with the concert, it was also a time for us to turn back and reflect on what we lacked.”

Junsu added, “I’m thankful towards Jaejoong hyung for directing it.  Even though we didn’t have much time to prepare, he really did his best and never once have I ever felt so comfortable at a concert.”

Their world tour will go on to Taiwan on the 23rd and Beijing on May 7th; it’ll then migrate to four cities in North America , and end in Korea on June 11th and 12th.

「布洛克兄弟」公司在愚人節當天突然閃電宣布,將於4月23日在台北小巨蛋舉辦JYJ演唱,會並從8日起開始售票...由於太過突然,讓不少媒體以為是愚人節玩笑,而JYJ從賣票到開唱僅短短15天,創下國外藝人在台灣演唱會新紀錄。根據主辦單位布洛克表示,因為 JYJ新加坡場取消,才爭取到這場演唱會,短短22天要從公布、賣票到開唱,讓曾創下5億次「雜誌、廣告、宣傳照」曝光金式世界紀錄的JYJ,再添一筆新 傳說,三位成員在得知確定要到台灣開唱後,表示會盡全力完成去年與台灣歌迷的承諾。

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