Source: DongA via Nate
by ramham424on March 7, 2011


JYJ’s latest fan-created ads are firing up the internet.

On March 7th, a netizen uploaded 4 pictures of the ads that were placed in Seoul’s Sinchon and Hongdae University stations.

The ads focused on the figures of Junsu, Yoochun, and Jaejoong, and it proudly declared, ”JYJ, we support your youth“. The ad in Hongdae University station specifically says, “Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu, ride on the public TV express train“.

The ads were created by JYJ’s fanclub, and beginning on March 7th, they can be found in the districts of Sunreung, Jamshil, Shinchon, Hongdae, Gundae, Kangbyun, Apgujung, Chungmuro, and 3rd Jongno. In addition, the fanclub has arranged to place 21 different screen door advertisements at subway stations.

Approximately $160,000 USD were raised for these ads, and the fanclub invested some of that into their initial ad campaign for the boys back in late January, when they put up posters on 120 buses all over Korea. The message from that month-long campaign also read, “We support your youth“.

JYJ專用網絡電視台開通 粉絲嘆激動
JYJ近日成功結束了網絡宣傳。只播放關於JYJ內容的網絡電視頻道「ilovejyjcom」原預計於3月3日開通,卻因關注的粉絲過多而導致整個該網站癱瘓,開通日也被推遲至 4日。晚8時開始的播出以「在中之日」為主題,之後展開了JYJ網絡電視台開播的祝詞,並播出了在中的表演。最引人注目的是「婆家的來信」版塊,在中的家 人特地為了在中的復出而準備了溫馨短片。




JYJ金在中變身憂鬱氣質殺手 透露將舉行世界巡演
JYJ成員金在中完美演繹身世堪憐的殺手。時尚雜誌《ELLE》的ELLE atTV公開了一組電影形式的名為《MovieStill:在中篇》的造型照。《MovieStill:在中篇》描述了外表看起來光鮮完美,背後卻被孤獨 和悲傷充斥著的殺手J的一天。如同電影中經典場面一樣的Still影像,由金在中飾演主角,並且配以感性的背景音樂。拍攝現場的工作人員表示:『大概是因 為經歷很長時間回歸的關系,在中比起以前更加成熟,而他現在的樣子和孤獨的殺手J完美的合二為一』。

在中還在採訪中表示:『JYJ現在開始活動了,這次的心情同《MovieStil》平靜舒緩的內容十分吻合,所以大家可以很期待這次的拍攝效果。雖 然具體行程還不能確定,但是新專輯將在美國發售,而且我們正在準備世界巡演』。變身孤獨殺手的金在中將在18日夜晚11時與大家見面。

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