Source: Osen
by phenom on February 16, 2011

As their scandal continues to snowball and gather headlines, Japan’s love for KARA is starting to cool.

Initally, KARA was still able to take #1 on the Oricon charts despite the outbreak of their scandal. However, after it was revealed that Nicole, Seungyeon, and Jiyoung had filed a lawsuit on February 14th, the attitude in Japan quickly became indifferent.

The Japanese media has predicted that KARA will definitely lose popularity in Japan. This is because fans allowed themselves to get their hopes up when KARA members continued filming their drama with a good atmosphere, only to have their hopes taken away in another wave of conflicts. Japanese fans obviously felt betrayed, and they seem to have gotten tired of the protracted conflict. Japanese news programs are releasing citizen interviews with content along the lines of “I’m sick of it now.”

There is also widespread interest about KARA’s relationship with their Japanese agency, Universal Music Japan. In Korea, the KARA members could put a hold on their activities because it’s more or less a domestic dispute; however, it’s a different story altogether when it comes to their corporate agreements with a Japanese label. If KARA should fail to fulfill their Japanese agreements, they will most certainly damage their marketability and overall reputation.


“月薪僅1萬日元”(《產經體育》) “再次面臨解散危機”(《日刊體育》)



Han Seungyeon's father makes controversial statement regarding KARA-DSP Media dispute

Source: Xsportsnews via Nate
by VITALWARNING on February 15, 2011


韓勝妍的父親在15日日本富士TV的《SUPER NEWS》採訪中表示,同所屬經紀公司的問題紛爭隊長朴奎利有著不可推卸的責任,引發矚目。韓某談及作為隊長的朴奎利的素質時還說:『朴奎利好像沒有什麼責任感,貌似沒有好好溝通才導致事件的發生。』將劍鋒直指朴奎利,認為她應該為此事件負責。韓某的這次發言與之前提出訴訟的3人[姜智英,韓勝妍,Nicole]『成員間沒有不和』的言論對立,令人大跌眼鏡。另外他還公開了提出訴訟的理由:『所屬經紀公司根本就不是Kara的後盾,孩子們的未來讓人擔心』。另外,Kara3人在14日向首爾中央支檢法院對經紀公司DSP提出解除專屬合約的訴訟。

[Original Title: Han Seungyeon's father blames leader Park Gyuri for KARA-DSP Media dispute]

Recently, Han Seungyeon’s father was interviewed on a Japanese program, and he firmly singled out KARA’s leader, Park Gyuri, as the underlying cause between KARA’s dispute with DSP Media.

On this week’s broadcast of Fuji TV’s ”Super News“, the reporter asked Han Seung Yeon’s father, Han Jong Chil, about who he thought was mainly responsible for KARA’s dispute. He replied, “I think the leader is acting with no responsibilities. This happened because of bad communication.”

He continued, “As KARA kept growing, the agency failed to be a good back support for them. The kids’ futures have become unstable.”

Han Jong Chil stated that the “members never had conflicts and disputes between each other”, but this is the first time someone has pointed their fingers at a particular member.

Netizens commented, “Why is he doing interviews like this in Japan?”, and “You can’t put all the blame onto the leader.”


We know there’s been a lot of confusion floating around, simply because the Korean media is postulating that Han Seungyeon’s father said it was Gyuri who was the underlying cause of the KARA-DSP Media conflict.

After reviewing the video clip and conferring with our Japanese colleagues, it’s come to our understanding that the only time Gyuri’s name was brought up was in the Japanese subtitles; Han Seungyeon’s father did not specifically name Gyuri as the problem, he just mentioned ‘leader’.

Some viewers took this to mean the literal leader of KARA, which would be Park Gyuri, but others are starting to believe that he’s referring to the acting CEO of DSP Media.

At this point, we’re not sure if the Japanese program had misconstrued the interview, or if Han Seungyeon’s father meant to play a game of inferences. We’ll be keeping a close eye on the situation to see if Han Seungyeon’s father will make an official statement.

Again, for the sake of clarity, we’ve decided to post this update to explain clearly that while the Korean media is running with the explanation that Gyuri is the cause, we’re saying to please keep an open mind until either an official statement is made, or facts are provided.

Seungyeon sighted leaving for Japan via Gimpo Aiport on February 16th.

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