Source: BNT News via Nate
by Supermar on January 21, 2011

The debut of Jewelry’s new members for their comeback has received a lot of interest among netizens.

New members Park Se Mi and Kim Ye Won were revealed in the jacket photos for “Back It Up. Park Se Mi has been receiving attention ever since her participation in Mnet’s ‘Superstar K‘ in 2009. Recently she revealed that she has since lost 10kg, showing off her slender figure and V line.

Kim Ye Won has been receiving attention for having a similar figure to Ha Ji Won, the female lead in popular drama ‘Secret Garden‘.

The jacket photos have spread rapidly on various online portals after the release. The netizens commented, ‘Park Se Mi has gotten so pretty. Her weight seems to have cut in half’, and ‘At a glance, Kim Ye Won reminds me of Ha Ji Won. She has cute charms’.

On the other hand, Jewelry’s digital single “Back It Up” will be released on January 27th.


對於投入正式回歸的Jewelry新成員朴世美和金藝苑,網友的反應還是相當熱烈的。在20日公開的Jewelry《Back it up》的專輯封面照中公開了成員新臉孔,朴世美是2009年Mnet「super star k」出身,而她也比當時減了10公斤的重量。照片中凸顯了苗條的身材和V字形臉蛋。另外,在封面中撩開面紗的另一成員金藝苑,因為酷似SBS TV電視劇《秘密花園》中飾演吉羅琳的河智苑而備受關注。

最近在各種門戶網站上人氣暴漲的《Back it up》封面照,網友對此的表示是:「朴世美真好看啊~身材也苗條了。」「一看她的臉就想到河智苑了~可愛美人啊。」另外,Jewelry 27日將推出《Back it up》以及展開活動。

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