Yang Pa 양파 - Can You Hear Me?

LOEN Entertainment
Creative production

JYJ俊秀音樂劇一票難求 1日正式開演

11日下午2時展開的音樂劇《天國的眼淚》第2次售票中,金俊秀時間段的所有門票一出爐即售罄,延續了去年12月16日首次售票6場門票全部一搶而 空的神話。2次售票信息一出粉絲俱樂部就轉載了座位票等各種信息,正式售票開始前「天國的眼淚」就成為各大搜索網站的熱門,粉絲也在熱切倒數售票日期。



1月10日下午,細亞俊秀在首爾南山創作中心 的音樂劇《天堂的眼淚》排練室現場被問及“最近好像發生了很多勞心費神的事情,是誰給了你動力和力量”時,回答“是JYJ成員和粉絲的支持給了我很大力 量。而且最近《天堂的眼淚》緊鑼密鼓的排練對我渡過難關有很大幫助”。最近,細亞俊秀曾通過twitter微博暗示自己對於2人組東方神起復出的不悅。

《天 堂的眼淚》將於2月1日在國立劇場與觀眾見面。《天堂的眼淚》是一部以越南戰爭為背景的音樂劇,主要描寫的是韓國士兵俊(音,細亞俊秀飾)、美國陸軍上校 格雷森【音,布萊德·利托(Brad Little)飾】與越南女歌手琳【音,尹功珠(音)飾】之間的三角關係。細亞俊秀飾演的俊是一個苦苦掙扎在愛情中備受煎熬的角色。





2月1日 8:00
2月5日 2:00 7:00 各一場
2月12日 3:00 8:00 各一場
2月13日 3:00


JYJ成員金俊秀在這次的音樂劇中飾演一個為愛,無論怎樣都不放棄的強悍男人的角色。《天國的眼淚》講述一位為愛怎樣都不同命運妥協的愛情故事,並 由JYJ成員金俊秀,Davichi的李海利,尹孔珠,鄭尚允等共同演出。音樂劇《天國的眼淚》將於2月1日拉開帷幕。

JYJ’s Junsu and other cast mates attended the press conference for their musical, “Tears of Heaven,” held at Yejang-dong at 1 PM KST on January 10th.

The rehearsal room for the musical was open to reporters, and a total of six scenes were rehearsed including “The Morning is Coming,” “I’ve Never Loved Like This,” “I Had to Learn,” “Ominous Feelings Falling Like Rain,” “Without Her,” and “Do You Hear Me?

Junsu stated, “Mozart‘ was a time of trial and error for me. The way we sing for musicals is different from regular singing. I later found out that the audience members sitting in the back couldn’t hear me sing for ‘Mozart.’”

He continued, “I’m slowly improving, as I’m still learning. I’m not quite sure how to express this, but I will be trying my best to hear that I’ve improved compared to ‘Mozart.’ Please look forward to a lot of my unique sides.

When asked about his current condition, he answered, “I’m not in my best condition, but it’s okay. I feel like I’m going to come down with a fever and my throat is itching, but it’s not enough to impact my performance. I’m doing my best to make sure my throat maintains the best condition.

Regarding his sweet kiss scene with Davichi’s Lee Haeri, the two actors shied away with red faces. Junsu started, “‘Mozart’ had about four kiss scenes, and there’s about two to three in ‘Tears of Heaven.’ I have wondered whether my fans will be okay with it, but it’s not just a simple kiss scene, and I naturally get into it as I fall into my role. We’ve never really actually kissed up until today. I’m apologetic towards Lee Haeri.

Brad Little commented, “American pop singer Cher won an Oscar award through her musical. I believe that Junsu will achieve similar results. He’s young and handsome, and even sexy. He fits well with his role. I have to act angry towards him in the script, and my emotions are based off of the jealousy I feel against him. When I first heard that Junsu was acting, I thought it was a great idea. The idea of being able to act with him is interesting.”

He continued, “The first skill that a musical actor must learn is to stand naturally before an audience and show off his acting. Junsu is so great at that. The second is communicating with the audience. Maybe it’s because Junsu has done it all along with his career as a singer, but there’s nothing he falls short on in that aspect. Junsu has a beautiful heart; audience members will find no problem in feeling the emotions he’ll be delivering. His large fanbase has created a wider audience range for this musical as well.

Junsu was later asked, “It seems like there’s a lot of difficult things going on right now, who gives you the most strength?” He replied, “Our JYJ members and our fans give us a lot of strength. And being able to work on a project like ‘Tears of Heaven’ is helpful as well.”

“Tears of Heaven,” featuring Junsu, Brad little, Yoon Gong Ju, Jung Sang Yoon, Jung Dong Seok, Lee Haeri and others will open on February 1st and play through March 19th.

JYJ's Junsu sells out 10,000 seats in 5 minutes for “Tears of Heaven”

by VITALSIGN on December 15, 2010
JYJ’s Junsu has shown the effects of his popularity once more by managing to sell out all 10,000 seats for his musical, “Tears of Heaven,” in just five minutes!

Tickets were open for sale on the morning of December 16th, and the box office site later crashed under the flood of fans looking to reserve tickets. Representatives of the producers revealed, “The first round of tickets featured a total of 18 showings for sale. Out of the 18, Junsu was to appear in six of them for a total of 10,000 seats. Within five minutes, all 10,000 of Junsu’s seats were sold out, confirming that he’s one of the greatest stars with the best ticketing power.”

“Tears of Heaven” will begin on Feburary 1st of 2011 for a total of seven weeks, and will be expanding overseas with Broadway as its goal.

《天國的眼淚》是越南戰爭期間發生在一個南韓士兵,一個越南女歌手一起陷入了超脫命運的愛戀中,奉獻出一切的主角。 預期要展示出充滿了超凡魅力的演技和歌曲。製作公司方面透露,音樂劇《天國的眼淚》於當天上午10時開始預定門票並在前5分鐘之內便全部售罄。主辦方表示剛開始網上預售,甚至發生了伺服器當機 FR:kpopn

Promotional photos of Xiah Junsu for “Tears of Heaven” revealed

by GhostWriter on December 14, 2010

Last week it was revealed that JYJ member Junsu would join the cast for a leading role in the Broadway musical, “Tears of Heaven“. Recently, some promotional photos for this musical was revealed.

Junsu is set to play the role of a Korean soldier named ‘Jun Hyung’ that’s involved in a love triangle set during the Vietnam War between himself, a female Vietnamese singer, and an American officer.

Seol Company reportedly set aside $10 million USD for production costs alone.

The musical is scheduled to open for February 1st, 2011 in Korea, and will run for a month there before being taken overseas to Japan and Europe. A performance in the States by 2012 has been pinned as their ultimate goal. Check out the promotional photos below!

다비치 Davichi's 李海麗Lee Haeri feels the pressure in “Tears of Heaven” musical

by VITALWARNING on December 13, 2010

Davichi’s Lee Haeri recently talked about the pressure she’s feeling from being cast in the musical, “Tears of Heaven.”

The press conference for “Tears of Heaven” was held on December 13th at the Imperial Palace Hotel in Seoul. During the conference, Haeri expressed, “It’s true that I feel a little burdened from this musical, as I have very little experience in musicals. I’m doing my best and practicing hard, so I think I can show a good image of myself.”

The singer also confessed worries about her English dialogue.

“I’m only in the beginning stages of practicing, but the amount of English dialogue is burdensome too. I think I will really need to work hard and trying to read through them is the most urgent step. Once I get used to the English, I can begin to express the feelings behind it – all of it is my homework. I will need to work hard.”

Representative Seol Do Yoon also added, “Since it will be about a Vietnamese woman talking with Americans, we came to a conclusion that her English doesn’t need to be perfect. Since we think slightly clumsy English skills will be better suited, we think Lee Haeri-ssi will not need to worry too much.”

“Tears of Heaven” is a musical that begins in 1967 during the Vietnam War, and illustrates a story about a middle-aged Korean man who searches for his long lost love named Tiana.

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