Danish pop group Alphabeat is getting ready to release their sophomore album "The Spell" on October 19th(UK)!! Their last effort "This Is Alphabeat" managed to score them three top 20 singles on the UK charts and they're hoping to have the same success this time around. Here we have new single also titled "The Spell" which was premiered by Scott Mills on BBC Radio 1. It's a fun upbeat pop track with a early 90's feel to it so Check it out, Enjoy!!

The Spell - Alphabeat

Label Charisma
Release Date Jun 24, 2008

International pressing of the 2008 debut album from this poptastic Danish outfit, now relocated to London. With their first commercial single release, 'Fascination', selling over 100,000 copies, it's clear that Britain has taken Alphabeat to ... Full Descriptionit's heart. Ever since they made the move from Copenhagen to a shared house in East London, these six young Danes have been winning over critics, club kids, indie scenesters and fashionistas alike with their infectious brand of high-octane, organically produced Modern Pop and incendiary live performances. Now with a bona fide breakthrough single under their belts you know that this band aren't going to stop until they have made 2008 their own. Also includes the second single, '10,000 Nights'. 10 tracks. EMI.

★ 搖擺有理、歡樂無罪,來自北歐丹麥全球矚目Wonky Pop新霸主

★ 專輯發行首周空降全英專輯榜TOP10、丹麥專輯榜亞軍
★ 強勢收錄丹麥單曲榜亞軍〈10.000 Nights〉、英國金榜TOP6〈Fascination〉

★ Alphabeat給我通通排排站好!這裡有三位都叫Anders的團員:(主唱Anders SG、吉他手Anders B、鼓手Anders Reinholdt),加上另外三位不叫Anders的團員:(另一位主唱Stine Bramsen、鍵盤手Rasmus Nagel、鼓手Troels Hansen),這一共六位來自北歐丹麥的音樂愛好者,共同組成了Alphabeat樂團,他們以80年代早期的復古之音為創作靈感,不禁讓人想起早期的Deacon Blue、Prefab Sprout…等這些男女雙主唱的經典樂團。音樂風格受到Yazoo、AC/DC、Chic、The Beatles等前輩的多元感染,秉著搖擺有理、歡樂無罪的精神,將滿滿的好心情注入歌曲裡面,他們的每一首創作,全都是衝著你那舞動的雙腳而來。2007夏天Alphabeat初出茅廬,在丹麥推出的2支單曲〈Fascination〉及〈10.000 Nights〉,立刻橫掃丹麥各大排行榜及舞池,讓他們成為備受矚目的Wonky Pop新霸主,也讓Alphabeat順利簽入EMI唱片,開始在英國綻放復古活力。隔年2008春天,樂團在英國的首戰單曲〈Fascination〉,果然不負眾望,順利挺進竄升至英國金榜第6位!

★ 樂團的出道專輯【This Is Alphabeat】,發行首周便空降全英專輯榜TOP10、丹麥專輯榜亞軍,同時以飛快的速度,在丹麥獲得白金唱片的認證。而英國著名媒體The Guardian及STV也都同時給予專輯四顆星的高分評價,STV更是不吝盛讚:『Alphabeat絕對是流行樂壇最令人雀躍的全新組合!』12隻來回不停擺動、歡樂跳躍的腳,Alphabeat以開場曲〈Fantastic Six〉,理直氣壯地獻上自我介紹;〈Fascination〉裡盡情揮灑的愉悅節奏、〈10.000 Nights〉帶來一個難忘的美好夜晚、宣示愛情主權意味濃厚的〈Boyfriend〉,在舞照跳、頭照搖的同時,兩位主唱輪翻上陣,展現散發歡樂氣氛的魔力;鈴鼓音韻就是這麼讓人無法抵擋,〈What Is Happening〉絕對會讓你不自主地按下Repeat鍵;貝斯聲線勾勒出好奇又緊張的心情,剛剛才和〈Touch Me Touching You〉做了第一類接觸之後,緊接而來的〈Rubber Boots〉,貼心地提醒安全性行為的重要性;口哨隨意輕吹、吉他同聲競飆,〈Public Image〉夥同新浪潮音符一同天旋地轉;專輯最末曲漸漸將舞動步伐拉大減速,〈Nothing But My Baby〉終於將節拍器調慢!Alphabeat的以10首歌曲,交出的首張音樂成績單,讓好心情自由遊走在無障礙空間當中,不加思索地將每個節奏做了最漂亮的排列組合!

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