28 Jan 2008
Label: Heavenly / Blue Note Records

1. Gray Or Blue 3:25
2. Sycamore Down 2:17
3. Blue Skies 3:57

Blue Skies - Jaymay

4. Sea Green, See Blue 6:18
5. Autumn Fallin' 2:46
6. You'd Rather Run 9:51
7. Hard To Say 1:58
8. Big Ben 3:32
9. Ill Willed Person 3:21
10. You Are The Only One I Love

★ 一些簡單動人的歌曲、一個來自紐約的音樂書說人
★ 英國權威報紙The Observer專業網站musicOMH.com同聲四顆星高評
★ 收錄情境喜劇《老爸老媽的浪漫史》【How I Met Your Mother】,第二季最終篇的主題曲〈Sea Green, See Blue〉

你不需要知道她的真名Jamie Kristine Seerman因為大家都叫她Jaymay,連上Youtube鍵入關鍵字「Jaymay」,你可以發現這位年輕女孩帶著他的吉他,在世界各地用最真誠的方式,向地球上不同的人介紹她的音樂。她是一個來自紐約愛唱歌的年輕女孩,家中有六個兄弟姊妹, 她會彈鋼琴、也會小提琴、但最愛的還是她的吉他,她迷戀Bob Dylan、想和BECK合唱一首鄉村歌曲、Jaymay卻用她自己的音樂,渲染出獨特的色彩。一直熱愛閱讀的她,促使她立下往出版業發展的決心,雖然最終Jaymay沒有達成她的出版夣,但她卻意外的成為一個音樂書說人,用音樂來紀錄她的故事。有機會錄製五首歌EP《Sea Green, See Blue》的Jaymay,帶有詩意的詞句、扣人心弦的旋律,讓她在iTUNE獨立音樂榜上立即唱出佳績,在新民謠類別打出小小名號。而其中單曲〈Sea Green, See Blue〉更在流行電台中大受歡迎,唱片公司隨即遞出合約,Jaymay同時也開始參加各地的現場演唱表演。在和Cherry Ghost 及 Bright Eyes一同巡迴演出的期間,她完成了她的首張專輯《Autumn Fallin’》。

透過她的雙眼,《Autumn Fallin’》慢速播放一個在紐約冬天的故事,當中有著種種美麗及遺憾的細節,也有心碎心痛的自我治療過程,從人與人之間關係的終止、朋友的死亡、一直到期待嶄新希望的心境。當秋天遠離,進入冬季時,從開頭曲〈Gray Or Blue〉到最終曲〈You Are The Only One I Love〉,你都可以聽見這些故事。在蒐集記憶的過程中,藉由歷歷在目的影像,你會發現,這些歌曲反射出屬於你自己的故事,不知不覺地往你心頭掐了一下。專輯推出之後立即獲得英國權威報紙The Observer四顆星、專業雜誌The Music Magazine三顆星、專業網站musicOMH.com四顆星共同獻上高度評價。〈Blue Skies〉映射出耀眼的藍天,那些一起做過的點滴,在心中永遠不會消失;紀錄著戀愛當中的每個小動作,〈Sea Green, See Blue〉的情緒小心翼翼地被保存著,這首歌曲被美國人氣情境喜劇【How I Met Your Mother】,選做第二季最終篇的主題曲;音符悄悄滑落、溫度漸漸降低,那一句再見,隨著《Autumn Fallin’》,一起埋在回憶的落葉堆中;三拍的節奏,愉悅自然,〈You'd Rather Run〉就像一首不需華服的圓舞曲,快活地旋轉著自在;因為真的很難說出口,所以Jaymay在〈Hard To Say〉一曲裡展露口技才藝,將說不出口的秘密用特別的方式,表演給你聽;〈Big Ben〉的和聲彷彿美麗的海妖唱吟,Jaymay拿著吉他在海岸邊的岩石上,說著回憶、說著心痛、說著那時的一切;憤怒像刺青,用身體的痛來紀念當下的真實,我們聽到了〈Ill Willed Person〉裡的心碎。


Long Island,
United States

You've heard of the break-up song... well, the latest darling of the New York 'Anti-Folk' scene Jaymay (real name Jamie Seerman) has upped the stakes and written an entire break-up album.

The ten songs of debut long-player, Autumn Fallin', detail a wintertime love affair, which begs the question of whether she can write about anything else, and if not, whether she's busy dating again in hopeful anticipation of making that ‘difficult second album’ a little less difficult.

With a style that is ostensibly something akin to contemporaries like Feist and Laura Veirs; sweet, heartfelt vocals and strumming folksy guitars, albeit with a straighter edge, in some ways it sounds a little to contrived, often at pains to make sure we're oh-so-aware that this is a special, artsy, New York-kind of a relationship she’s singing about, something a bit more important than usual, something messily awash with typewriters, songwriters, poetic drunks and the like.

Things tend to work best when the instrumentation is fuller. Piano and strings-laden "Blue Skies" is a timeless-sounding triumph, and album opener "Grey Or Blue", with its cutesy, 'first-blossoming-of-love' lyric isn't far off either. "You'd Better Run" is an ambitious, ten-minute chugging waltz of a song, all warm Hammond organ flourishes and plink-plonk toy pianos. It doesn't so much as offer a passing nod to Blonde On Blonde-era Bob Dylan as kiss it on both cheeks and have a half-hour chinwag.

The weakest song, the heavily stylised, jazz-tinged "Hard To Say", is insufferable. Imitating a trumpet with your voice is never a good idea, and the stench of kookiness is overwhelming. At times like this, the album sounds on the verge of becoming a parody of what the rest of the world expects a young, female New Yorker with an acoustic guitar to sound like.

Autumn Fallin’ signs off with "You Are The Only One I Love", perhaps a perfect benchmark for assessing whether you'll love Jaymay or hate her. She’s produced an album with genuinely amazing moments, but the overall effect is a bit stifling, something like being smothered to death with candyfloss.


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