目前分類:女神卡卡 Lady Gaga (56)

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Lady GaGa Dressed As A Fashionable Devil Outside "Leno"
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

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Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

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To tell you guys the truth, it's really odd seeing GaGa without all the crazy makeup, hair, shoes, outfits, etc, etc. This woman is simply not allowed to have a normal lifestyle anymore!

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7月9日,美国纽约,Lady Gaga亮相《今日秀》献唱。当日Ga姐连换两套行头给足噱头,烟雾缭绕中更是顶着泡面头现身!再造雷人经典。

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Lady Gaga covers Esquire magazine

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世界第一“雷后”Lady GaGa最然最近頻頻遭到各方面的質疑,來自於娛樂圈內明星的厭惡,來自於教會的詛咒,不過這位向來我行我素的天后完全不會在乎“世俗”的眼光。

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Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

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