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Props to Glimmer for the lead. And, these pics come from Harper's Bazaar, Russia from it's May 2010 issue.
真個是大爆冷門ㄟ!《變形金剛3》女主角,居然不是其他比較有名氣的內衣名模,而是「維多利亞的秘密」才剛嶄露頭角的蘿西.杭亭頓.惠特莉(Rosie Huntington-Whiteley),這個英國爵士的孫女、《玩命快遞》男主角Jason Michael Statham傑森史塔森的女友,哇塞,這位超級長腿美女,就快要舉世聞名、一炮而紅囉!

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Nina Dobrev (born Nina Constantinova Dobreva; January 9, 1989) is a Bulgarian-Canadian actress and model. She has played the role of Mia Jones, the single teenage mother on Degrassi: The Next Generation, since the show's sixth season. She currently stars as Elena Gilbert in the TV series The Vampire Diaries.

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