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August 12th, 2008

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There's a rumor flying around that Gisele will be starring in the next Austin Powers---or at least in Mike Myers' next project.

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April 16th, 2008
These are pictures of Alessandra Ambrosio (currently pregnant 懷孕中) from the Victoria’s Secret “Supermodel Obsession” book. They’re slightly hotter than my “Supermodel Obsession” book which consists of hair from different supermodels glue sticked onto each of the 325 pages. The police call it evidence in an ongoing investigation. I call it my greatest work to date.

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之前曾傳出AA懷孕的消息,但一直都未得到AA本人回應,3/7在官網 http://alessandraambrosio.com/ 終於向大家證實這個消息是真的,並且附上一張最近的照片與粉絲分享她的喜悅,以下是其內容

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這位羅馬尼亞名模 Alina Vacariu,在她14歲時就是羅馬尼亞98年度模特兒冠軍.她曾經擔任過比基尼和內衣的廣告模特兒!

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March 24th, 2008
海蒂克隆(Heidi Klum,1973年6月1日-)德國超級名模、節目主持人、電視製作人和時裝設計師,有時為歌手。她是《天橋驕子》及《德國超級名模生死鬥》的主持人和評審,也是維多利亞的秘密的合作模特兒。[wiki]

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著名巴西寶貝,超模阿德瑞娜-利瑪(Adriana Lima)1982年出生于巴西東部位於累西腓西南偏南大西洋的塞爾瓦多。跟巴西名模蓋斯勒-邦辰和安娜-比垂茲-芭羅絲一樣,從小也居住在一個遠離現在五光十色人生舞臺的小鎮上。她擁有法國、葡萄牙、美國本土和加勒比地區的血統。正因為如此,上帝賜予她與眾不同藍灰色的眼睛和美麗的容貌,也註定她成功的人生道路。

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繼Leah Dizon 莉亞迪桑後又一混血索女..
Misa Campo Sexy Bedroom Photos

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March 10th, 2008

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March 10th, 2008

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March 10th, 2008

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March 10th, 2008
Laetitia Marie Laure Casta (born May 11, 1978 in Pont-Audemer, Normandy) is a French supermodel and actress.

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March 10th, 2008
Natalie Glebova 是出生於俄羅斯的前加拿大環球小姐與世界環球小姐。

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March 10th, 2008

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