Source: Medical Today via Nate News
by mashimelloon May 19, 2011
Recently, the Wonder Girls attended a Kiehl cosmetic event looking quite astonishing and beautiful!
On the 19th, the Wonder Girls official twitter account tweeted, “Ye Eun and Yubin are here at an event…the Wonder Girls are working hard at whatever they do.”
Along with the tweet was a picture where the Wonder Girls are seen flaunting their more mature image. Yubin especially grabbed attention for her feminine image.
In response, netizens commented, “You gals are get prettier by the day!”, “Yubin got much more feminine”, and “When are you coming back to Korea?”
Meanwhile, the Wonder Girls are preparing for their new album in both Korean and English.
李善均,Wonder Girls~出席契爾氏160周年紀念活動
19日,紐約化妝品牌契爾氏160周年紀念活動在美國紐約十三大街舉行.演員李善均和組合Wonder Girls代表韓國出席了該紀念活動.
當天的活動再次提倡了契爾氏由來已久的口號-”爲了創造更好的社會,企業利潤一定要返還給社會”.包括曾經得到過3次格萊美獎的製作人兼音樂家,以及以綠 色石油企業家聞名的Pharrell Williams,以及一直以來都在努力為了孩子創造更好的生活的演員朱莉安莫爾等知名人士.