
2010年4月にメジャーデビューした近藤夏子のメジャー1stアルバム! これまでシングルとしてリリースした「『リアルでゴメン・・・』」、「何年片想い」、「うつむきスマイル」、4thシングル「ハナビラナミダ」、配信限定シングル「できれば君がイイ」他、収録予定。「LIVE TOUR 2010-2011 〜コンマニの、ゆくチョケくるチョケ2010-2011〜」より、2010年12月10日渋谷クラブクアトロの模様(後半)を収録。初アルバム記念!トリプル応募券(ミーグリ応募券、4thシングルとのダブル購入特典応募券、1stアルバム全種類購入特典応募券)付き。OLIVE des OLIVE × 近藤夏子 コラボパスケース付。

by Kankion May 15, 2011
Kondo Natsuko will be releasing her new album, “Kondo Natsuko1”, on June 8th.

“Kondo Natsuko1” will be her first album since her major debut. It’ll contain all of her singles starting from her major debut single “Real de GOMEN…” to her latest single, “Hanabira Namida”, which was just released on May 4th.

The album will come in three different formats: ‘First Press Limited Edition Friends Plus’, ‘First Press Limited Edition’ and ‘Regular Edition’. The First Press Limited Edition Friends Plus disc will include 8 songs and costs a moderate price of 1,800 yen (~22 USD).

The First Press Limited Edition version will include a 12-song CD, a bonus DVD, and an “OLIVE des OLIVE” collaboration pass case. The regular edition will include the 12-song CD only, and includes a track that the First Press Limited Edition doesn’t have (and vice versa).

Furthermore, Kondo will be kicking off her commemoration nationwide tour on August 28th called, “Kondo Natsuko LIVE TOUR 2011 ~Iwai! Hatsu Album! Matasete GOMEN!! Konna Tour ♪ ~”.

< First Press Limited Edition Friends Plus >
01. Rehearsal
02. Hanabira Namida
03. “Real de GOMEN…”
04. Utsumuki Smile
05. Nannen Kataomoi
06. Chiccha na Senshi
07. Kakkowarui Hodo no Ai
08. I~no I~no

< First Press Limited Edition >
01. Rehearsal
02. Hanabira Namida
03. Usoaji
04. Nannen Kataomoi
05. Utsumuki Smile
06. “Real de GOMEN…”
07. Cinderella
08. Chiccha na Senshi
09. Dekireba Kimi ga II
10. Gamushara na Ai de
11. Kanransha III
12. I~no I~no

< Regular Edition >
01. Rehearsal
02. Hanabira Namida
03. “Real de GOMEN…”
04. Utsumuki Smile
05. Nannen Kataomoi
06. Usoaji
07. Gamushara na Ai de
08. Dekireba Kimi ga II
09. Cinderella
10. Kanransha III
11. Kakkowarui Hodo no Ai
12. I~no I~no

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