Source: Sanspo
by HPrieston May 19, 2011
Major retailer AEON introduced their new summer lineup of swimsuits and yukatas at a presentation for 2011 Yukata Magic/Mizugi Magic. Their current image character is actress Takei Emi and she also was in attendance for the presentation.
During the presentation of the yukatas, Takei appeared wearing a chic, dark blue yukata combined with a unique hairdo and make-up different to her usual image. She commented, “It made me look more mature. If it appears different to my usual image, it means that it was a huge success.”
Takei also revealed a personal yukata memory, “When I was still a primary school pupil, I once went to an electronic organ concert wearing a short yukata.” In the interview she also expressed that she dreams of a yukata-summer-festival-date like most young girls in Japan. She said, “I’m longing for such a date. This year I don’t have someone with whom I could go …, but I’d like to go with my family.”
Check out the short clip below! (Takei’s part starts at around 2:10)
- May 21 Sat 2011 05:20
nippon 武井咲、ゆかた姿で普段のイメージを一変 Emi Takei impresses with her “adult yukata” style