Catalog No. AICL-2250
Label/Distributor Sony Music Entertainment
Release Date 2011/06/01
JUJU衝撃の大感涙バラード、遂に完成! 関西テレビ・フジテレビ系全国ネット火曜よる10時連続ドラマ『グッドライフ』(出演: 反町隆史、榮倉奈々、井川遥、加部亜門(子役)、伊原剛志、鹿賀丈史 他)の主題歌に決定!!
by kurumion May 13, 2011
Singer-songwriter JUJU has just revealed the PV for her new song, “Mata Ashita…“!
“Mata Ashita…” is a beautiful ballad about unconditional and freely-given love, a theme that is expressed in the video as the love between a mother and her daughter. The song is the title track of her new single, which will be released on June 1st.
Watch JUJU’s latest PV below!