by Casperon May 13, 2011

Music Bank is back with a fun and exciting show that was chock full of amazing performances!

Having won last week, Jay Park faced off against legendary singer, Im Jae Bum who has recently returned to the public’s eye after appearing in MBC’s “I Am A Singer” for this week’s K-Chart. But in the end, it was the former who clinched his second consecutive win.

Congratulations to Jay Park on the win!

Jay Park releases “TONIGHT” MV!

by asphodelon May 10, 2011

It’s finally here, Jaywalkerz! Jay Park has just dropped the full MV for his other major song, “TONIGHT“.

It’s a six-minute long video that highlights the star’s formidable dance skills, as he breaks it down and locks it up again and again. Deviating from the dark style of “Abandoned“, “TONIGHT” is colorful and fun; it’s the perfect song to hype up your evening as you prepare to go out.

Check out his MV below!

Jay Park to release photobook, “Just Me, Jay”

Source + Photos: Donga via Naver
by VITALSIGNon May 8, 2011

On May 15th, singer Jay Park will be releasing a special photobook titled “Just Me, Jay“!
The photobook features never-before-seen pictures of his day-to-day life in Seattle. Fans will be able to get a glimpse of not only his house, but restaurants and stores he personally frequents as well.

Jay Park will be making an appearance at Ewha Women’s University for those who pre-ordered copies. Fans who visit the set will be able to personally hear stories from the singer himself, as well as see video footage from some of the scenes in the photobook.

朴宰范訪談實錄 深信2PM真心祝我成功


他們曾經有過一段很長時間同吃一鍋飯的時期,雖然過往的種種事件給雙方都造成不小的影響,但其中一部分也確實有著積極的推進作用。不知道剛推出首張 正規專輯《Take a deeper look》的朴宰範是否會送給2PM成員們新專輯。在4日接受採訪時朴宰範他毫不避諱談及有關自己曾經和2PM的事情,「沒有,沒能直接聯系上,不過我不 會認為他們會不希望我好,因為我也希望他們能成功,實際上他們也成長不少成為一個帥氣的團隊」。

他對2009年發生的一切事情用「失誤」這個詞來表達,「那是我年輕時犯下的錯誤,當時比較愚昧。我非常感謝大家仍熱情地對待我,我從粉絲那裡學到 了很多東西」。朴宰範相當重視久違的機會,「我不想顯現出過多的野心,現在最重要的就是透過新專輯展現我的個人特色,即使沒有很多上電視的機會也沒有關 系,我有屬於我自己的音樂,其實還蠻有自信的」。

近期的宰範不光在音樂上,在電影上也付出不少心血,在全州拍攝《Mr.idol》已經有很長一段時間了,說到關於他表演的事情時,朴宰範露出一副害 羞尷尬的神情,並表示:「表演確實很難,完全和音樂不一樣,到現在我還沒有完全適應」。對於朴宰範來說,他更享受音樂和舞蹈帶來的快樂,但如果表演會阻礙 音樂的發展,他也並沒有非要執著下去的心,「雖然也很想一直拍戲,但有時也會擔心會妨礙到音樂工作。」


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