Source: TV Report via Daum
by VITALWARNINGon May 1, 2011

SBS’英雄豪傑’的成員們在最後一次拍攝中依依不捨, 落下了遺憾的眼淚.1日下午SBS播出了’英雄豪傑’的最後一次節目. 成員們在最後一期中重新回到了她們第一次見面的學校, 重新回憶了她們一起拍攝節目的日子. 在最後一晚, 成員們還互相寫信, 表達了她們之間的情誼.

穿上漂亮晚裙的成員們來到了充滿了回憶的第一次拍攝地點-倉庫, 她們還從工作人員手裡收到了包括了她們這段時間拍攝的照片和互相寫的信等禮物. 成員們都忘記了拍攝, 都看著相冊, 回憶10個多月中的回憶, 最後都不禁落下了熱淚.成為最後一個受罰者的智妍在被罰跳舞的同時痛哭不止, 說道:”對那些一直喜歡我們節目的觀眾們表示感謝, 我愛你們”. 而其他成員們也都表示:”感謝大家最近對我們的關注”.

從去年7月開始播出的’英雄豪傑’彙聚了徐仁英, 鄭佳恩, 佳熙等12名女明星, 是一個通過各種比賽來決定名次的綜藝節目, 但是由於收視率不佳等原因在10個月后不得不結束.在’英雄豪傑’之後, SBS將播出由金妍兒-申東燁主持的’Kiss and Cry’.

SBS’s “Heroes” finally aired its last episode, and the cast members were seen shedding a river of tears as they took a walk down memory lane.

The members each received a photo album from the show’s PD, which were full of memories from the show. As the episode progressed, each member started to tear up as they shared their heart-warming stories of when the cast members first met each other.

The show finally ended with T-ara’s Jiyeon clapping her hands as she said, “Thank you for loving and supporting “Heroes”.”

SBS will replace the show with “Kim Yuna’s Kiss & Cry”, whose pilot episode will air on May 22nd.

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