Source + Photos: Star News via Naver
by VITALSIGNon May 2, 2011

2NE1將攜她們的新歌’Lonely’重返樂壇, 加入到激烈的’女子組合大戰’中.2NE1成員們29日下午通過所屬公司YG娛樂的網絡節目’ YG ON AIR’和公開新歌’ Don't Cry’預告版的Park Bom一起登場, 預告了她們的回歸.

在當天的節目中, 2NE1宣佈:”我們將在5月12日公開我們的新歌’Lonely’, 重回樂壇.” 隊長CL還唱起來新歌中的一小段, 讓其他成員們有些唐皇.最近, 歌謠界是’女子團體的春秋戰國時代’, 在這樣激烈的競爭中, 2NE1會有怎樣的表現值得大家期待.

2NE1’s Dara transformed into a lovely ‘Hawaiian lady’ for Etude House’s summer season collection, “2011 Aloha Makeup.”

Dolled up in pink lipstick and a cute flower accessory in her hair, Dara’s more than ready to jump over spring into the summer season for the warm beach.

This new collection is special in that it features a variety of refreshing colors representative of Hawaii and their tropical beaches. The added bronzing effect is expected to give a youthful glow to any skin tone.

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