Catalog No. COZA-581
Label/Distributor Columbia Music Entertainment
Release Date 2011/06/29

たむらぱん、ニュー・シングル「しんぱい」発売決定!! たむらぱん、極上ポップセンスと完成度を誇る楽曲「しんぱい」ついに完成! 恵比寿リキッドルームでのライヴ音源 (ワンマンライブ "パンダフルツアー" @Liquidroom 2011.03.06)を含めた計6曲収録のファン得パッケージ!! DVD付き (「しんぱい」ミュージックビデオ収録)。

Source: natalie
by Sujinon May 1, 2011

Singer/songwriter TamuraPan has just announced that she will release a new single titled, “Shinpai“. This 11th single is set to drop on June 29th, and is her first release of the year. Her last single, “Rough“, was released back in October 2010.

TamuraPan describes the song as having pop flavors, something different from what she normally writes. It emphasizes on changing one’s attitude, and she hopes that it will reach her fans.

It’s a song of facing forward and giving thanks. The beginning of the song has a string arrangement done by Yuasa Atsushi, who has also worked with artists YUKI and Ikimonogakari.

Meanwhile, the coupling song is a remake of “WARAW” from her indie days. The single will also include bonus tracks, “Rough“, “Zero“, “Bambi“, and “Fure Fure“. These particular tracks are recordings from her March 6th solo live at Tokyo’s LIQUIDROOM ebisu.


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