Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGNon April 28, 2011
南韓音樂的法國粉絲將舉行“快閃族集會(Flash mob,指原本互不相識的人通過網絡約定聚會時間場所,進行一种快聚快散的集體活動)”,呼吁“SM TOWN LIVE”延長演出。此前,在法國南韓文化院學習南韓語的法國粉絲們組建了“Korea Connetion”協會,目前正在Facebook上舉行簽名活動,希望SM娛樂旗下歌手聯合演唱會“SM TOWN LIVE”能夠延長一天。截至28日,簽名活動僅舉行2天就已共有4000多人參與簽名。他們還將於5月1日下午在盧浮宮博物館前舉行快閃族示威。此外,沒有買到“SM TOWN LIVE”門票的歐洲粉絲的不滿聲較高。某法國網民在博客上留言說:“英國和意大利粉絲也在買票,因此沒有買到票的粉絲很著急。“
“SM TOWN LIVE WORLD TOUR IN PARIS”將於6月10日在法國巴黎“Le Zenith de Paris”演出場舉行,門票從當地時間26日10時開始在歐洲代表性門票預售網站Live Nation Inc和Fnac出售,僅過15分鐘就銷售一空。SM娛樂旗下東方神起、Super Junior、少女時代、SHINee、f(x)等在歐洲掀起K-pop熱潮的歌手將參加此次演唱會。
On April 28th, SM Entertainment revealed that tickets for their “SM Town Live in Paris” sold out completely within 15 minutes!
Representatives stated, “We opened tickets for sale on the morning of the 26th through Live Nation and Fnac. 15 minutes after the window opened, all seats were sold out, which definitely made us feel the popularity of our artists in Europe.”
They continued, “Our world tour has achieved much success in Seoul, L.A., Tokyo, and Shanghai, and we’re already receiving an explosive response from European music fans.”
“SM Town Live” will be held at the Le Zenith de Paris on June 10th.
- Apr 30 Sat 2011 02:22
sk 南韓歌手巴黎火爆 法粉絲盼演出加場“SM Town Live in Paris” sold out within 15 minutes