by Casperon April 28, 2011
攜正規專輯開始回歸的After School,公開第二波預熱短片,吊足粉絲胃口。28日公開《shampoo》音源之後,並公開預熱短片的After School目前正在宣傳。音源一經公開就排在各種音樂排行榜的第一名,而After School具有衝擊效果的第二波預熱短片也隨之公開。可愛活潑的《shampoo》第一波短片公開後,就得到大眾熱烈反響。而第一波短片結尾的『To be continued』則掉足粉絲胃口,而第二波短片,展示了與第一波完全相反的強烈魅力。
上次專輯《BANG》中Marching Band成為話題之後,After School這次會展現怎樣的強烈表演等所有一切,都令人十分期待,得人tap dance的表演得到超過期待值的評價。tap dance短片公開後,網友表示:『不愧是After School啊~』『看的時候止不住的驚訝啊~最棒的表演~』『給力的表演,讓人不能眨眼~』29日下午,After School透過KBS2《MUSIC BANK》開始正式回歸。
Following the teasing after the end of After School’s “Shampoo” MV yesterday, Pledis Entertainment has finally released the concluding chapter with the MV for “Let’s Step Up“.
This MV doesn’t have much of a story though as it just shows the girls performing their full tap dance routine after rehearsing and preparing for it in the earlier “Shampoo” MV.
Bekah sustained an injury during rehearsals and thus did not participate in the MV filming.
Meanwhile, stay tuned for After School’s first comeback stage on Music Bank tonight!
- Apr 30 Sat 2011 00:48
sk 애프터스쿨公開第二波預告片 大秀tap dance受好評 After School releases “Let's Step Up” MV