Source + Picture: Seoul News via Yahoo! Korea
by ektha16on April 26, 2011


但是,YG娛樂有關人士在27日接受TV DAILY電話採訪時稱:『絕對是沒有證據的謠傳』。相關人士還稱:『具惠善畢業於北平女子高中,也從未接受過那樣的採訪。』否認傳聞並非事實。而第八張 專輯《Juliet》和具惠善的英文名Julie雖然相似,但是『這只是個偶然』。


The on-going saga involving Seo Taiji and Lee Ji Ah just took a bizarre turn, as it’s being wildly rumored  that actress Shim Eun Kyung is actually their child.

On April 26th, Shim Eun Kyung had an interview with Seoul News, during which she denied that Seo Taiji and Lee Ji Ah were her parents. She stated, “This is the first time that I had this happen to me. I was taken aback. I was at a loss for words because I became attached to something that has nothing to do with me. I feel apologetic towards my parents and to the people related to my movie.”

But how did the rumors come about?

In 2007, Shim Eun Kyung acted as the younger version of ‘Su Jini‘ which was later expanded upon by Lee Ji Ah for the drama, “The Legend“. In 2008, Shim Eun Kyung had a CF with Seo Taiji and had revealed that she was a big fan of Seo Taiji’s. Due to these connections, netizens began speculating that Shim Eun Kyung was the daughter of Seo Taiji and Lee Ji Ah.

As for the young actress herself, Shim Eun Kyung left to study at an American academy in Pittsburg, and she came back on April 21st to help promote her new movie, “Sunny”. She was stunned to hear of the rumors tying her to Seo Taiji and Lee Ji Ah, and continued to express her regret at dragging her new movie into the drama.

She stated, “I came to Korea to promote my movie but when I came back, I became an issue because of something other than the movie. I am apologetic towards Director Kang Hyung Chul and all the people related to the movie. I usually do not pay attention to gossip, but for this issue I keep getting talked about. It’s really tiring. I do not feel good about it and more than that, I am really apologetic towards my parents.”

Despite her disappointed heart, she expressed bright hopes for her acting career. Shim Eun Kyung stated, “There will probably be more times when I will be involved in this kind of rumor. However, I really love acting and I am always happy whenever I go to the filming set and start acting. This is perhaps why I am still pursuing my acting career.”

After her promotions for “Sunny”, Shim Eun Kyung will go back to America on April 30th.



在 2009年9月結束第八張專輯的活動之後,徐太誌便投入了新專輯的製作中。預計在2012年出道20周年之際,徐太志將發布新的專輯並進行各種公開活動。 但是,突發的“李智雅事件”令很多粉絲和徐太志的親友陷入了“驚慌”的狀態,還有預測認為他新專輯的活動也將因此而泡湯。對此,徐太志的某親友表示“徐太志像是沒有受到一絲影響,反倒是他身邊的人受到的沖擊更大,並有些動搖”,“他現在仍在國外進行音樂製作,粉絲們也應該在翹首企盼他的新專輯吧,這次事件 應該不會給徐太志發布新專輯或進行演出活動造成太大的影響”。


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