Catalog No. SRCL-7645
Label/Distributor Sony Music Entertainment
Release Date 2011/06/01

YUIの新作シングルは、すでに話題騒然、あの"矢沢あい"原作映画『Paradise Kiss』オープニング&エンディングテーマに決定! 初回限定盤のDVDには「It's My Life」のミュージックビデオを収録予定。

by bazingaon April 26, 2011

Today’s episode of Mezamashi TV featured a PV preview for Yui’s upcoming single, “HELLO ~Paradise Kiss~“.

The track will be the theme song for the film “Paradise Kiss“, which takes place in the world of fashion, and the PV stays true to the fashion theme by showing the singer-songwriter in 9 different outfits, complete with unique hairstyles to match.

Take a sneak peek at the PV below while you wait for the single’s June 1st release date!


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