Source: JoongAng via Nate
by chloejnon April 25, 2011



Actress Yoon Eun Hye recently revealed photos from the set of her latest drama.

On April 25th, she tweeted,

Clothes are getting thinner but the weather is not noticing. I find myself taking out the padding [jacket] and heater which I had put away and my UGG boots which I placed in a box. Ooung It’s cold so cold~!

In the photos, Yoon Eun Hye is found wrapped up in her padded jacket, as she sits in front of a heater. She also showed her professional mindset as she’s seen reading over the script while on stand-by.

Netizens commented, “Yoon-actress who moves hearts, so pretty” “I want to hurry and meet you through your new drama” and “Please take care of your health as the seasons change!

It has been 2 years and 6 months since Yoon Eun Hye’s last drama. She will be making her way back into living rooms through her latest drama, “Lie to Me“, which will air its first episode on May 9th.

Teaser + Interview of Yoon Eun Hye's new drama, “Lie to Me”

Source: Yoon Eun Hye’s Twitter
by phenomon April 25, 2011

Recently, actress Yoon Eun Hye has been updating fans with pictures from the set of her upcoming drama, Lie To Me“, which she stars alongside actor Kang Ji Hwan. On April 25th, she updated her Twitter with an official teaser of the drama.

Yoon Eun Hye tweeted, “‘Lie To Me’ teaser has been released~!! ‘LTM’~! Please show much interest ^♥^”

SBS’s new romantic comedy is scheduled to air its first episode on Monday May 9th, receiving the baton from “Midas“.

Check out the teaser below!

Also, in anticipation of the new drama, an interview of Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan was conducted on the set of “Lie To Me”.

Kang Ji Hwan stated, “It’s been about a year since I’ve filmed a drama. I worry over whether I am portraying the character well, which is something I think about every time I’m in a drama. However, acting with Yoon Eun Hye has lessened the burden.”

Yoon Eun Hye added, [Kang Ji Hwan] is good to me and has good manners. Our acting…Well, I think our acting matches well!” Kang Ji Hwan quickly replied, “Yes, it matches well!” Yoon Eun Hye continued, “Even though it’s still the beginning, we match well. He is very friendly.”

As for her ‘tracksuit fashion’ on set, which has been gaining much attention, Yoon Eun Hye commented, “It was for a flashback scene for my character’s college days. I think it was a comfortable, modern, casual look.”


月火劇:Oh My Lady(오 마이 레이디,2010-03-22首播,主演:蔡琳、崔始源、朴韓星)(共16集)
月火劇:Coffee House(커피하우스,2010-05-17首播,主演:姜智煥、朴詩妍、恩靜、鄭雄仁)(共18集)

月火劇:我是傳說(나는 전설이다,2010-08-02首播,主演:金正恩、張申英、李俊赫、金承洙)(共16集)
月火劇:醫生冠軍(닥터 챔프,2010-09-27首播,主演:金素妍、嚴泰雄、鄭糠雲、車藝蓮)(共16集)
月火劇:爸爸的女兒,沒關係(괜찮아, 아빠딸,2010-11-22首播,主演:文彩元、金泰浩、姜成)(共17集)
月火劇:天國的牧場(파라다이스 목장,2011-01-24首播,主演:沈昌珉、李沇熹、朱相宇)(共16集)

月火劇:雅典娜:戰爭的女神(아테나: 전쟁의 여신,2010-12-13,主演:鄭雨盛、車勝元)(共20集)

月火劇:對我說謊看看(내게 거짓말을 해봐,2011-05-09首播,主演:尹恩惠、姜至奐、成俊)(共16集)

水木劇:檢察官公主(검사 프린세스,2010-03-31首播,主演:金素妍、朴時厚、韓政秀)(共16集)
水木劇:壞男人(나쁜 남자,2010-05-26首播,主演:金南佶、韓佳人、
水木劇:我女友是九尾狐(내여친은 구미호,2010-08-11首撥,主演:李昇基、申敏兒、諾珉宇)(共16集)
水木劇:City Hunter(시티헌터,2011-05-25首播,主演:李敏浩、朴寶英、李俊赫、李光洙、具荷拉)

日日劇:你睡著的時候(당신이 잠든 사이,2011-05-16首播,主演:李英恩、吳允兒、李昌勳、崔元英)

週末劇:微笑媽媽(웃어요, 엄마,2010-11-06首播,主演:尹晶喜、李在皇、高恩美)(共50集)
週末劇:我的愛在我身邊(내 사랑 내 곁에,2011-05-07首播,主演:李素妍、溫朱莞、李載允) 

週末劇:人生真美麗(인생은 아름다워,2010-03-20首播,主演:宋昌義、李尚宇、南相美)(共63集)
週末劇:祕密花園(시크릿 가든,2010-11-13首播,主演:炫彬、河智苑、尹尚賢、金莎朗)(共20集)

早晨劇:玫瑰的戰爭(장미의 전쟁,2011-01-03首播,主演:吳大奎、金慧利、金仁瑞)(共120集)
早晨劇:Miss大嬸(미쓰 아줌마,2011-05-30首播,主演:吳賢慶、金正民、鄭成雲、鄭詩雅、) 

預計撥出:根深蒂固的樹(뿌리깊은 나무,2011-09-28首播,主演:韓石圭、張赫)
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