Catalog No. AVCT-10179
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/05/25

観月ありさ歌手デビュー20周年を記念し彼女の幅広い交友関係の中から音楽界で親交の深いアーティスト、リスペクトしているアーティストの楽曲提供を受けた豪華アルバム!! テーマは、"絆(きずな)"。彼女が歩んできた軌跡の中で、関わりあって来た人々との"絆"。そして今後、歩んで行く中で築いていく"絆"。今回のプロジェクトを通して、歌手としての彼女の魅力、そして音楽への愛情の深さを改めて多くの人に再認識してもらいたいと考えている。 【楽曲提供参加アーティスト】綾小路翔 (氣志團)、尾崎亜美、川村結花、岸谷香、JIN、小室哲哉、中村正人 (DREAMS COME TRUE)、BONNIE PINK、Micro、369、lecca etc

Source: Oricon
by kurumion April 22, 2011

Singer and actress Mizuki Alisa has announced that to commemorate her twentieth anniversary as a singer, she’ll be releasing her first album in nearly twelve years!

The album, titled “SpeciAlisa”, will drop on May 25th, and will feature collaborations with a variety of artists. To help celebrate her twentieth anniversary, close colleagues such as BONNIE PINK, WISE, lecca, Komuro Tetsuya, Ozaki Ami, Koizumi Kyoko, Ozaki Ami, DREAMS COME TRUE, and more came together to created thirteen new songs for the pop singer. The process is said to have taken a year to complete.

“To congratulate me on my twentieth anniversary since debuting as a singer, all of the artists who participated presented me with these wonderful songs,”

Mizuki said happily of her upcoming album. She continued, “I recorded it while feeling the all love put into (the songs)… I’ve completed a special album that is truly packed full of all sorts of genres! I hope that you enjoy the world of the old Mizuki Alisa you know and love, and also the new Mizuki Alisa.”

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

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