Catalog No. AVCD-48059
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/06/22
2011年第1弾シングルは、AAA節全開の爽快アッパーチューン! 「No cry No more」「タイトル未定2」とそれぞれのInstrumentalの全2曲4ヴァージョン収録予定。「No cry No more」は、イトーヨーカドー"ボディクーラー""ホワイトビズ"TVCMソングに決定! DVDには、「No cry No more」(Music Clip)、「タイトル未定1」(Music Clip Making)を収録予定。
Source: Official Website
by Sujinon April 23, 2011
J-pop group AAA has announced on their official website that they will release a new single.
“No cry No more” will be the group’s 28th single and is scheduled for a summer release on June 22nd. It will also be a TV CM theme song to Ito Yogurt’s “Body Cooler“.
The single will come in three versions: 2 limited editions and 1 regular edition. The limited editions will both come with DVDs and different jackets.
< Track List >
1.No cry No more
3.No cry No more(Instrumental)
[ DVD - Limited Edition A ]
1. No cry No more(Music Clip)
2. No cry No more(Music Clip Making)
[ DVD - Limited Edition B ]
1. -TBA-
< Track List Regular Edition >
1. No cry No more
2. -TBA-
3. -TBA-
4. No cry No more(Instrumental)
5. -TBA-
Furthermore, mu-mo shop will have their own releases. Fans who purchase from mu-mo will receive 1 of 2 original clear files. The single will also have an original jacket, not available anywhere else.
The mu-mo shop version will have an M3 5th anniversary talk with all the members, called “Think about AAA 5th Anniversary”. It will also include 1 of 8 trading cards.
< Track List mu-mo Version A >
1. No cry No more
2. -TBA-
3. Think about AAA 5th Anniversary ~season 8~
< Track List mu-mo Version B >
1. No cry No more
2. -TBA-
3. Think about AAA 5th Anniversary ~season 9~
- Apr 24 Sun 2011 00:16
nippon avex トリプル・エー28單 AAA announces their 28th single, “No cry No more”