Source: My Daily via Nate
by ramham424on April 20, 2011

IU為時尚雜誌《SURE》拍攝一組散發成熟魅力的造型照。在倫敦進行的拍攝中,IU分別演繹了她19歲的純真和成熟女人的魅力。她既害羞又明朗的健康少女形象,十分搶眼。IU在拍攝中表示:『倫敦是我最想 去的一個旅行地,倫敦人好像很喜歡色彩搭配和時尚設計,和我比較相似』。IU的這次造型照將在《SURE》第五期與大家見面。

A few weeks back, we reported that IU jetted off to London to shoot a pictorial for the May issue of ‘Sure‘.
After hearing that IU was visiting London, fans swarmed the airport to welcome their favorite idol. They also came to the photoshoot location in order to catch a glimpse of the young star.

During her interview with the magazine, IU stated, “London was one of the places I wanted to visit. Londoners enjoy matching colors and modern designs, which are similar to my tastes.”

The precocious star also revealed some details about her private side, “I continued to find things that I didn’t know about myself. People like the side of IU that isn’t decorated. But that’s not all that makes up who I am.”

A staff for the magazine stated, “We were able to see a 19 year old ‘Lee Ji Eun’ instead of singer IU. She is a brave, shy, bright and healthy-minded girl.

Check out some shots from the photoshoot:


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