南韓Windy Soft營運中的休閒冒險MMORPG「HEVA(台:黑貓)」,日前宣布隨同重建正式更名為「Heva Clonia」,同時公開遊戲宣傳影片XD「Heva Clonia」是今年2月在官方臉書進行的「新名稱競賽」活動中取得,以現有的遊戲名稱「Heva」,再加上獨特的「克隆」系統,結合兩者誕生。重建後的「Heva Clonia」從3月17日開始,將依序公開角色、轉職,克隆、PVP、舞蹈、RAID等內容的介紹影片,並且計畫提供交流管道讓用戶使用。

「HEVA」由南韓PlayBuster歷經兩年時間開發打造,Windy Soft負責發行,畫面充滿明亮而溫暖的粉色調,並且加入3D場景的戰鬥和各種謎題要素,讓玩家在單調的戰鬥中得到更多的遊戲樂趣。同時提供簡單的操作系統,透過風格各異的職業,就能輕鬆體驗暢快打擊與施放華麗技能的爽快感。本作已出口到台灣、日本等海外市場;台版為OMG代理,2010年9月公測。

Source: Game Chosun
by VITALSIGNon April 20, 2011

MMORPG game “Hera Clonia“, which is headed by the members of T-ara as promotional models, has announced that they will officially be opening for service on May 4th.

Earlier this month, fans of the game chose popular girl group T-ara as promotional models for the game through a press conference held on the 16th. Co-produced by Windysoft and Playbuster, the game is a renewed version of “Heva Online“, which first hit the market back in 2009.


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