Source: Star News via Nate
by Casperon April 19, 2011
Having released the first photo teaser yesterday, featuring After School member E-Young, Pledis Entertainment has today released their second photo teaser featuring their 3rd generation members, Raina, Nana, and Lizzy, otherwise known as the sub-unit, Orange Caramel.
After School is preparing for their comeback at the end of the month with their their first official album, “Virgin“, and they are building up hype with a photo teaser series.
Since the group holds the unique concept of admissions and graduations, the member teasers were divided into teams. The first generation is Kahi, Jungah, Jooyeon, and Bekah; the second generation is UEE, the third generation is Raina, Nana, and Lizzy; finally, the fourth generation is E-Young.
Fans can expect another update with the second generation on April 20th.
“Virgin” is currently scheduled for release on the 29th.
After School Raina Nana Lizzy回歸預告公開
After School首張正規專輯第二次預告照片公開。以“VIRGIN”命名的新專輯已經進入了倒計時階段的After School,繼4月18日新生依英的預告之後19日又公開了Raina、Nana、Lizzy的照片。在這次公開的照片中成員們充滿春天氣息的同時,又散發出既時尚又有可愛感覺的魅力。
After School首張正規專輯“VIRGIN”是“Bang!”之後時隔約1年發表的新唱片。“通過這次的專輯展示After School的音樂和可愛一面。另外After School特有的魅力和隱秘的王牌也在準備中,將會讓大家感到驚訝。”這樣的發言也進一步提高了粉絲的期待感。
看到照片的網友們反應熱烈,說道“Lizzy像真正的人偶一樣,越來越好奇這次After School的專輯概念了”,“等待了1年,快點出來吧!”,“閱讀每天公開的cover中的記事也很有意思啊 哈哈”,“AS回歸完全期待”等等。另一方面,20日計畫將公開2期成員Uee的預告。After School的首張正式專輯將在29日發行。
After School新專輯“VIRGIN”,新生依英預告照片公開
After School首張正規專輯的預告照片公開。After School在從4月18日到21日的4天裡,將通過官方網站依次公開正規專輯“VIRGIN”的成員預告照片。
通過入學和畢業獨特的系統帶來的成員變化帶來的多彩的After School由1期嘉熙 正雅 珠妍 Bekah、2期Uee、3期Raina Nana Lizzy、4期依英組成。18日公開的預告中,初次擔任主人公的4期新生諾依英,以分成兩條辮子的髮型和華麗的粉色風格展示了女性化的一面。
After School的首張正規專輯“VIRGIN”是繼“Bang”以後時隔約1年發表的新專輯。經紀公司相關人士對此表示:“這次的專輯將以After School的音樂、美麗和自信感為基礎,打破現有的框架。”另外,19日將公開3期新生Raina Lizzy Nana的照片,專輯將在29日發行。
After School releases first photo teaser for “Virgin” comeback!
Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGNon April 18, 2011
On April 18th, After School finally announced their comeback for their first official album, “Virgin“!
Their official homepage updated with an individual teaser of newcomer E-Young to kick off a series of member teasers that will be released over the course of the next four days.
Since the group holds the unique concept of admissions and graduations, the member teasers will be divided into teams. The first generation is Kahi, Jungah, Jooyeon, and Bekah; the second generation is UEE, the third generation is Raina, Nana, and Lizzy; finally, the fourth generation is E-Young.
Fans can expect another update with the third generation on April 19th. ”Virgin” is currently scheduled for release on the 29th.