Source: MyDaily via Naverby VITALSIGNon April 19, 2011

南韓模特兒金侑利19日凌晨服毒自殺震驚韓國。南韓女模特兒金侑利19日凌晨服毒自殺,雖然被發現後立即送往醫院進行了搶救但最終還是沒能挽回她的性命。金侑利自殺前她曾在個人主頁上留下了暗示自殺的文章令南韓網友表示了同情。金侑利16日凌晨2點在自己的個人主頁寫道:『不管怎麼想,想了上百遍,還是覺的世界上只有我自己。』字裡行間顯示了自 己的孤獨。金侑利生前曾參加多次首爾服裝周等服裝秀,據悉目前還沒有設置靈堂。

On April 19th, model Kim Yuri has been reported to have committed suicide through the consumption of poison.

Kim Yuri was rushed to the a medical center in Samsung-dong, Seoul after her suicide attempt was discovered, but reports later revealed that she had unfortunately passed away. Her wake has not yet been prepared.

It seems fans were alerted of the pain she was undergoing, as just a few days before, she had written on her mini-homepage, “No matter how many times I think about it…. Over a hundred times….  I’m the only one in this world.”

Born in 1989, Kim Yuri was an English major at Hanshin University before making her modeling debut for various high-end brands like MCM and MAX MARA, as well as fashion shows like the Seoul Collection and Daegu Collection.

Netizens have been expressing their grief through her homepage and various community boards, as she was one of the models with the brightest future ahead of her.

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