by lawliettaon April 17, 2011

Rania has been making ripples in the music industry with their controversial material, and it was revealed today that the seven-member girl group will be adding one new lady to their ranks. Meet Lee Jo (original name: Chang Yi Jo/Yi Jiao/常一娇), the new twenty-four year old member who has worked in China for various endorsements and features in the past.

Reports revealed that Lee Jo was a last-minute addition to the group, hence her absence in live performances and promotions. However, one of the early promotional pictures does depict Rania with eight members, implying that she was already preparing to debut with the others soon.

Despite her current absence, Lee Jo did participate in the music video filming and can be glimpsed in the original and re-released versions of the Dr Feel Good music video, which features the revised track with a second set of lyrics. Although her appearance is brief, you can spot Lee Jo at the 2:15 mark:

For some general information:
Stage Name: Lee Jo
Real Name: Chang Yi Jo / Chang Yi Jiao / 常一娇
Birth Date: June 16, 1987
Weight: 49 kg
Height: 170cm
Blood Type: B
Talent: Playing piano, Dancing, Acting, Taekwondo
Favorite Sport: Taekwondo

We also get a first look at Lee Jo through her previous work, including starring in Mando-pop singer Yang Kun’s Platform (站台/Zhantai) MV and a commercial for flooring:

Although this new member is unquestionably pretty, we still have no videos of her singing or dancing, so many fans have their judgments reserved for this new member’s performance skills. Furthermore, it is unclear when Lee Jo will be making her first appearance, as we have yet to hear any official announcements from Rania’s agency regarding this matter.
Stay tuned for more!

RaNia新歌過於煽情而被迫改編 新版欲以高音決勝負

RaNia新歌《Dr. Feel Good》編舞因過於煽情而遭大幅度修改。所屬經紀公司DR音樂表示:「將以15日KBS2《Music Bank》的演出為起點展現重新改編過的編舞」。RaNia因成功代言7項產品以及還有Michael Jackson名曲《dangerous》作曲家Teddy Riley的支持而備受眾人關注,但出道之後卻因「服裝和舞蹈過於誇張」而另一些觀眾不滿。
DR音樂稱:「Teddy Riley認為編舞和服裝也是表演中的一部分,全部由他親自指揮。我們在向他說明韓國狀況之後他也表示雖然很遺憾但也只能接受」,據稱Teddy Riley對所提出的國內視覺體系仍表示不贊同。Teddy Riley一直對所謂的規定表示訝異,他表示:「在亞洲人氣高漲的K-POP將迎來和美國流行音樂以及歐洲流行音樂等的正面對抗,這些規定將成為K- POP走向世界的絆腳石」。
經紀公司對於RaNia的編舞修改了10餘處,服裝方面不僅取消了原有的吊襪帶皮帶,還用布擋住了胸線突出的位置;腿部部分也要求穿上絲襪或緊身 褲。並且歌曲前奏部分也稍作調整,添加了近25秒高音,欲以此一決勝負。DR音樂最後透露:「雖然很遺憾未完全展示所準備的內容但同樣認為是一次新的機 會,我們將以歌唱實力和編舞來決勝負」。
據悉北美歐洲以及亞洲等地有不少學習RaNia編舞的短片已經在YOUTUBE上出現,原版《Dr. Feel Good》觀看次數也高達60多萬次。

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